day 5

122 5 4

poland's pov

kazkhstan was there again today when i went to go inside, so i thought i'd have a chat with him. it wasn't really anything special, but he makes it feel like it is, for some reason. i can't put my finger on it.. "poland, thank you, for everything. you're the first person to really take notice of me like- ever!" he giggled. "it was nice talking to you again! ah- i don't know where germany is or his phone number to harass him all the time, and he's leaving again tomorrow so.. here!" kaz handed me a phone, which by the lock screen of his family i'm going to assume is his. "shit, uhm- here, let me unlock that for you and we can exchange numbers." he beamed. i don't understand why it has such an effect on me, but it's probably because he's the first upbeat person i've seen since like- middle school, or something. i typed all my information and stuff into his phone and handed it back to him. "i have to head to work now but uhm- text me who you are and i'll add your contact?" kaz gave a softer smile, one that didn't show off his teeth like usual. "definitely."

i was changing into my uniform when- "why hello there warsaw, fancy meeting you here." perfect. i chuckled, and turned to her. "i could say the same to you, dixie. i've been meaning to find an excuse to try and trick you into being friends with me again, anyway." she grinned. "oh, woe is me. what's up?" i dropped my smile. "uhm- i heard about the children that were.. lost here and i also heard that.. one was your brother.." her gaze darkened the moment i said the word 'children.' "oh.. did you.. yea, you probably figured it out, but i work here because it reminds me of him.. we never got along well, actually fuck that, we hated each other. the.. last thing i ever told was that he'd be better off dead. and.. the last thing i ever got to hear him say was 'fine then.' i.. i didn't know.. i didn't mean it....! i didn't want-" i wrapped my arms around her. "i know you didn't. it's not your fault he's dead, it was just a horrible coincidence. i'm sorry for.. that." i could feel her relaxing, as she hugged back. "thanks, warsaw. you remind me a lot of him, actually." i smiled gently. "do i?" dixie snickered from behind my ear. "yeah, you're both total assholes that i share the same sense of humor with." as much as i wanted to playfully punch or argue back, i just held on tighter. that's her way of saying thanks, at least i hope. i'm glad i could help.

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it's so surreal to think about the fact that we passed the halfway point already. i feel like i started this book a week ago! anyway, i probably won't have art at the top of every chapter anymore. i'm done introducing characters, and the ones i have mentioned but haven't drawn aren't really worth it. (ukraine, ussr, belarus, italy, etc.) nonetheless, i hope you enjoyed the chapter!

lmao yea that's why dixie opened up to him so easily,

466 words

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