day 1

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         collin's pov

"he's qualified enough! just hire the boy!" a voice growled, though i can't exactly see where it came from. "what qualifications do you need to work at a fucking pizzeria as a security guard? why'd you even need a security guard, who do you think is stupid enough to steal from this hellhole?" a higher pitched voice snapped back. i feel myself twitching uncontrollably. c'mon.. c'mon.. pull up the document! at least say his name! duppa'll kill me if i come back empty handed, especially after i bragged about my snooping skills.. dammit, i should've let stipes take this job... the owner of the deeper voice rolled his eyes. "fine, i'll call him telling him he's hired," a new security guard? how fun! maybe he'll unlock the kitchen for me so i can bake! if not, then i'll just play with him~ "go do something useful, phil." philippines hissed in defeat. she set down the document with the new employee's information on it. bingo. "whatever. fucking japan.. thinks he's so high and mighty.." she continued to mumble as she walked away, fidgeting with something. i can't see still things very well, but when she's moving, i can damn right tell you philippines is a doll. i wish she'd take the night shift, maybe i could visit her! i'm sure she'd open the kitchen so i could make a cupcake for her.. i dropped down and searched around the office, finally finding a fan and turning it on. again, movement is easier for me to see. a pretty shade of scarlet caught my attention. ah, this is it! great! i picked the paper up and scurried my way back up and through the vent.

"a new employee?" tars asked. "what does it say, stipes?" duppa added on, anticipation clear in his voice. stipes was the oldest of us all, and knew how to read the best. "poland warsaw. he's 23, and decently smart. he went to a good college, according to the notes, but he's in debt because of it." duppa nodded, inching closer to stipes. everyone was shifting slightly so i could see them. "is he handsome?" i pipe up. if we can't play, i at least like to have a handsome face to look at. tars snorted, and duppa suddenly looked irritated with me. stipes smiled softly "more cute, he has nice fluffy wings." he quickly added in the last part, knowing love soft things. i clapped joyously "ooh~! how fun!" duppa was scowling now. suddenly my innocent smile conformed to a sly grin. "maybe we can play with him?~" stipes' eyes widened and he looked away in guilt. tars shrugged. "sure, i don't see why not." duppa smirked smugly "i'd love to." stipes bit his lip. "i don't think i'll be able to hold myself back, anyway. why not?" i beamed. "great! i guess we'll play tonight~"

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sorry it's only 481 words, i'm not very good at finding creative ways to make my writing longer. there will be longer chapters, i promise! anyway, i hope you enjoyed. most of the pov's from now on will be poland. i know it's kind of confusing, and you're probably think "gee aut, isn't it strange to label something as countryhumans and then have four of the most crucial characters have even stranger names?" and to that i say, who the hell names an animatronic after a dead child?

see you soon!

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