day 3

161 7 3

poland's pov

i, yet again, came into work an hour early to find philippines, who i'd seen around but never spoken to. she noticed me a glanced another way, but approached me nonetheless. "you're poland, right? i'm phil, nice to meet you. tell me, what do you think of the animatronics?" too many too many too many too m- "u-uh.. yea, nice to meet you too. s-s-stipes is fine, i guess. duppa kinda freaks me out, collin looks.. interesting, and tars is pretty, i guess?" nothing could've prepared me for philippines. "stipes is unreasonably attractive, he's supposed to be a kids robot, so why is he hot?" what the fuck. "duppa too, he looks like a sugar daddy, for god's sake! why? there's no reason! they look like they'd be a cute couple though, don't you think?" just walk away.. "collin confuses me. they look like they should have a different hat on, the one they have on doesn't suit them." poland for god's sake stop trying to be polite and just walk away. "tars would look better as a sex robot, right? she's too pretty, she reminds me of my girlfriend. oh, and stipes reminds me of my boyfriend! probably because they're the best looking. it makes me sad that stipes doesn't smile anymore, though. his model is so old it's breaking him to smile.. i don't know why they don't just replace the robots, they're old and run down and smell like something died in them. it's weird and uncom- hey, where are you going?" shitshitshitshitshit- i accidentally made eye contact with japan, who had just walked away from someone with a red, yellow, and black flag. i silently pleaded for help and motioned to phil's curious face, and observed as japan's face grew grim. he sighed and walked over, pushing me behind him. "phil, what did i say about harassment? especially with people who aren't used to.. you?" she fumbled with her fingers and mumbled offensive names and insults under her breath. "not to do it, yea yea, i know." she put a hand on her hip and rolled her eyes. "he looked fine though! weren't you fine? weren't you?" i started to sweat. ohgodohgodohgod this girl is giving me a fucking panic attack- "philippines, that's quite enough. poland, you should go change into your uniform. i'll deal with her.." he growled, pushing me in the opposite direction. ohthankgod- that was quite possibly the most stressed i've ever been.

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413 words, cool. this is kind of a filler, i guess? i just wanted to introduce phil bc she's ~~funky~~

hope this didn't offend or trigger anyone-

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