Chapter 25

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   "What the fuck is this!?" Chica exclaimed as she walked in more.

   Bonnie did not walk in, only Freddy and Chica started to walk around them; their feet were inevitably stained with some dropped blood.

   "Who did this?" Freddy asked while staring at them.

   "Bonnie… turn off the lights! Turn them off!" Bonnie quickly did it.

   "Chica, what are you doing? You're not thinking about hiding them, are you?"

   "Dude, do you have any idea of what can happen to us if someone finds us here with them!? We'd be fucked!"

   "And what are you gonna do!? Keep them in here forever? Someday somebody is gonna find them out."

   Chica stared at them for more seconds in the center of the classroom; their bodies started to green up.

   "I don't know! I don't know! Let's do something to get our guts out of this shit at least."

   "And what are we gonna do?"

   "I got it!" Chica climbed up some table around the classroom; let's close the whole room so nobody can see them! Somebody is going to find them, yeah, but at least we're gonna keep them longer hidden." She kept closing windows.

   Freddy and Bonnie exchanged glances, but just Freddy agreed with Chica's plan. Bonnie kept standing on the doorway, freaked out about it.

   When they were done, the classroom was almost totally into the darkness, it was just the door the last thing to seal so nobody could get in. Chica and Freddy walked out as Bonnie stood behind them.

   "I'm gonna use a lock a friend of mine gave me; it was supposed to lock my backpack, but I'll use it in here." Chica, with her whole body shuddering, locked the door with a little padlock.

   "That's it."

   The three of them stood outside with nothing else to say, it was as though they really killed those animatronics. The rest of the animatronics were walking around the school as normal as always—normal according to the new scholar system, nobody seemed to noticed the scene they saw.

   "We gotta shower, we can't let anybody see us with blood."

   "And where could we shower inside the school?" Freddy asked.

   "There are showers at the gym. Let's go before anyone sees us." Chica headed toward the stairs, and so Freddy did. Bonnie could not move a single muscle from the spot he was in. As soon as Chica realized about it, she walked back to him.

   "Bonnie, I know this is really hard, I feel like hell, too; I've never seen in my life such a thing. But we gotta make sure we're gonna be ok. It wasn't our fault."

   Bonnie could not help but start crying.

   "It was our fault! We had the opportunity to make the change, and now look what happened!" With his left arm he moved Chica out of his way. He left the building as fast as he could.

   "Bonnie, wait!"

   "Bonnie!" Freddy exclaimed.

   Bonnie did not look back, he did not want to know anything else about that place. Although he loved Freddy and Chica, when he saw them he could see that classroom again. The two of them did not follow him, he just kept running toward his house; he did not want to be at school either.

   "And now what?" Freddy asked Chica.

   "I have no idea." They both kept silent for a while. "Hey… can you go with him? I'm pretty sure he went to his home."

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