Chapter 17

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   Bonnie woke up a little bewildered; he was not expecting himself to wake up inside his dark room. As he did it, he turned around to see the time in his IPhone: it was 8:50 P. M. Afterward he stretched his arms and legs, when he suddenly hit something with his right foot; it was Freddy, who was watching his cellphone, just like Bonnie had seen Marionette on the edge of the bed on that day of the party. Bonnie thought that maybe he was dreaming, but nobody can hit their dreams with their foot.

   "Hey," Freddy said after he turned to him.

   "Hi." Bonnie was still trying to confirm he was actually seeing him in his bedroom. "What are you doing here?" he stuttered a little.

   "Well... I'm witness about the jerks that beat you up, so I wanted to come here and see how you're doing."

   "Yeah, but... how did you get in? How did you know where I lived?"

   "I know this zone, I supposed I was gonna find you here."

   "Oh." Bonnie laid his head onto the pillow again, he wanted to know how Freddy showed up in his room, but at the same time he did not want to make him feel overwhelmed because of so many questions either, he might think that I want him to go.

   "Who beat you up?" Freddy got up to be next to Bonnie; he was still on his feet.

   Bonnie felt the knot in his throat coming back, but this time it was not as uncomfortable as the time he talked with Chica, but it forced him to put his teeth together strongly, as he also tightened his lips.

   "I don't know, I didn't know them," Bonnie said as he looked off from him.

   Freddy caught the same Bonnie's hesitation like the time they were doing their Spanish homework. He concluded he was lying again, but he rather decided not to force him to tell him the truth, he wanted to spend some time with him without talking about that issue.

   "I feel really bad about what happened."

   "Why?" Bonnie looked back at him.

   Before Freddy could go on, FunTime Chica had opened the door of Bonnie's bedroom.

   "Hi, Bonnie. How do you feel?" She walked until she was at the other side of Bonnie's bed.

   "Much better, the pain is disappearing."

   "I'm glad to hear that," she said more relieved, "then I guess I'll go to make dinner; I'm making it this time because of your condition, huh, but just don't get used to it," she playfully said.

   "Thanks," Bonnie said after giggling.

   "Ok, I'll call you guys when it's ready." FunTime Chica walked out.

   "Wait, you're gonna make dinner for me too?" Freddy quickly asked.

   "Yeah. FunChick cooks the best roasted chicken ever."

   "Well... it's just that I was supposed to get early home."

   Bonnie was totally going to agree with Freddy to go home and don't be late, but at the same time he wanted to take advantage of the time with Freddy in his house.

   "Why don't you tell him you're staying for dinner? I don't think he would mind." Bonnie's face started to slowly red up, as his fur was getting kind of spiky.

   Freddy looked away from Bonnie and looked rather at his desk, he was wondering about accepting his offer.

   "I'm gonna ask him." Freddy took out his cellphone from the right pocket of his black pants. He started to type a message to his brother asking for some time for dinner. While Bonnie was sideways watching Freddy, he immediately remembered all the things he should have done today: go to school and finish his homework. He suddenly gasped deeply, and then he sighed the same way.

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