This is going to make me commit murder

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So I'm trying to redraw this vv

So I'm trying to redraw this vv

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But it looks like vv

And I'm going to commit murder because the eyes are just ahebjebejehejejejudsbejdnudfn

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And I'm going to commit murder because the eyes are just ahebjebejehejejejudsbejdnudfn

But anyways, I'm not done I'll post the finished product I have no clue if I'm going to color it or not tho

Also don't look at that hand it's horrible

HELLO! I'm from like 15 minutes in the future!

And here is the complete sketch

I didn't really do much but eh, I took a food break but anyways, here it is!vv (and a little bit of my thumb)

I didn't really do much but eh, I took a food break but anyways, here it is!vv (and a little bit of my thumb)

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And I'm going to post the complete drawing in the next chapter! Bye!
Oh and ignore the right eye-

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