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Uhm Soo I'm working on the next chapter of sweet Midori Café now and..I'm just pulling shit out of my ass at this point, I had one idea for a plot and then I thought

'Yeah, nO, the pLoT is taking to long to develop- wait wait waitttt  but just- just add a little- JUST A little
Aizawa angst yup, rightttt there! Mhm, perfect- no no! Also make two time skips, we don't care about the Aizawa angst anymore- Also let's put in Uraraka early! Yuppppp, and also also also let's have Izuku be-'

And then the other voice in my head was all like

'STAHP STAHP STahP, That's two far! That's like- like, supposed to happen in two chapters! Don't fucking spoil it dammit.'

And then the other voice, again, was all like

'Okayyyy but! Let's make bakugo- alright listen...NOT SUCH A BITCH! And and, he can be nice to the regulars at the café since ya know, he grew up with them, and Izuku to!'

And then again

'No! Inko just fucking D I E D last chapter! God dammit! Make like a- like a-... ANNIVERSARY CHAPTER!'

Then back to the other one

'But...we just made a skip to like...5 years...'

Then again


And now we're here, I've been writing the chapter for 3 days now, the tittle has changed 9 times, the plot has changed 5 and I'm fucking confused

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