Chapter Twenty-Two: Diving into Death and Dark

Start from the beginning

    The moment Walker and I enter the ridiculously huge banquet room it goes completely silent

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    The moment Walker and I enter the ridiculously huge banquet room it goes completely silent. All the chitter and chatter that had been happening but moments before completely ceases and all heads turn our way. I feel like I'm in the movie 'Cinderella' the moment she enters the princes ball, except instead of a blue ball gown I'm wearing torn jeans, a Metallica T-shirt and ass-kicker boots. Yeah, Cinderella I'm not.
"Ahhhh, finally," Terrenel stands and motions with his hand to his side. "Come, come, mo bhanrigh bhreagha, come and sit by my side."
I make my way to him, hand still clutching Walker's and when I reach the dais I hesitate. "There are places for Walker and Chamuel to sit, right?"
Terrenel narrows his eyes. "But of are all guests, most welcomed guests here."
"I mean you haven't like placed them in Siberia or something, right?"
Terrenel frowns and cocks his head to one side. "I'm afraid I do not understand your meaning."
I sigh. "I mean you haven't placed them waaaaay far away from us, right? I'm supposed to sit next to you, and they're sitting next to me, right?"
"Of course, of course. I wouldn't have it any other way."
But by the tone of his voice I can tell he just told an untruth. I snort, turn to Walker and we share a look, the look. Then we both begin to laugh.
"Care to share what it is that is so amusing, mo bhanrigh bhreagha?"
I compose myself and shake my head. "Nope."
"Nope?" Terrenel repeats.
"Are you deaf? Yeah, I said nope, nope I don't care to share."
"Mind what you say to me, milis."
"Or else..."
"Excuse me?"
"Usually there is an 'or else' at the end of a sentence or threat like that." I almost bust out laughing again at the true look of confusion on the great king Terrenel's face.
"Don't worry about it, you get used to it," Walker quips.
Terrenel looks to Walker for the first time since we entered the room and frowns. "Get used to it?"
"Yeah. This is Annora being Annora. If you plan on being in her life you're going to have to just get used to it and get on board, cause she's never gonna change...and thank God for that."
"I think..." Terrenel smiles slowly, "I'm beginning to see come...come and be seated."
I walk hand in hand with Walker to Terrenel's side and take a seat to his right. Walker plops down on my other side.  The moment we're seated Terrenel addresses the room.
   "Mo thighearnan uasal agus mnathan, mo shluagh.  Feuch an cuir thu failte air mo bhanrigh ghaisgeach ris an robh duil o chionn fhada, Annora Gun Samhail Park."
   I poke walker in his side and hiss, "Do you have any idea what he just said?"
   "No clue, but whatever it was, it was about you," Walker's face is wreathed in a huge smile, "I mean...I heard your name there, that I DID understand, so yeah, whatever he said it was about you."
   I give him a dirty look, "Uh-huh, thanks, thanks for nothing, you big oaf."
   "He said, noble lords and ladies, my people, please make welcome my long awaited and very beloved warrior queen," Chamuel says in my ear and I let out a little screech.
   "Oh my God, where did you just pop up from, Chamuel." And I see him wince at my words.  "And where have you been for that matter?"
   "I had a few matters to attend to, amour.  But I am here now." He gives Walker a pointed look and Walker shakes his head.
   "No way in hell are you getting my seat, birdie.  You'll just have to sit next to me.  My ass is firmly planted and quite happily affixed right where it is."
   Chamuel sighs deeply and goes to take a seat next to Walker.  Terrenel sits down and suddenly there are servers bustling around loading the long tables with dish upon dish upon dish.
   "Why did you do that?" I ask Terrenel bitingly.
   Terrenel smiles broadly.  He knows exactly what he just did.  "Why, whatever do you mean, mo bhanrigh bhreagha?"
   I huff.  "Why did you go and tell everyone that I was your queen?"
   "You are," he says simply.
   "I'm not," I hiss at him.
   He merely smiles serenely at me before saying, "Of course you are."
   Oh my God.  Oh my fucking God.  Seriously?!
   "Amour, please!" This comes from Chamuel and I sigh again.
   "Sorry, sorry, sorry.  So flipping sorry I don't censor my own private thoughts enough for you, Chamuel." I say in a snotty manner.  I know I probably sound totally bratty, but I don't care.  He keeps listening into my thoughts.  So he's going to get my freaking thoughts just the way they are.
   "I am learning to..." Chamuel searches for the right word, "...handle the coarse language, my beloved, but using it in turn with His name, it is too much, my love.  Please..." He beseeches me.
   I sigh again and roll my eyes.  Well, he had said, please.  "Fine, fine, I'll try to do better in that regard, Chamuel.  But I can't promise you it's going to completely stop.  I'm not used to having to literally think about what I'm privately thinking before I think it," I snort, "Gah, that was a mouthful, wasn't it."
   Chamuel gifts me a small smile.  "Thank you, my beloved.  I appreciate it."
   "I find I do not like not knowing what is being said or spoken about..." Terrenel interjects dryly.
   I throw my head back and laugh.  Oh that's a hoot.  Totally hysterical.  When I catch Chamuel's eye I can see he totally gets where I'm coming from, and knows why I laughed.
   "What the Goddess is so amusing?" And now Terrenel's voice holds a sharp bite to it.
   I swipe tears from my eyes and try to get myself under control.  "'re amusing."
   "Yeah you, Mr. High and Mighty King, you're hysterical.  You get annoyed because Chamuel and I are talking and you don't understand, what about.  But you speak ALL THE TIME and I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about because I don't understand your freaking language.  You know this but you do it anyway.  In fact, I think you get off on it.  You love saying stuff and knowing I have no idea what the hell it is you're saying."  I laugh again, "...Well how does it feel when the shoe is on the other foot? I mean, heck, and we weren't even speaking in another language.  Imagine how annoying it would be if we were, and you had no idea what language we were speaking."
   "Hmmm..." Terrenel scratches his chin thoughtfully.  "It truly bothers you, mo bhanrigh bhreagha?"
   "Uh yeah...and there you go again."
   "I merely called you my beautiful queen.  I would call you mo ghraidh, but the angel was quite adamant that I should not do so."
   I narrow my eyes and think back to our initial meeting.  I might not know the language, but I had a pretty terrific memory.  "Chamuel said no, because it is what he calls me.  So mo ghraidh means, my beloved, right?"  I see the pleasure in Terrenel's eyes and snort.  "Just because I don't speak the language doesn't mean I don't have a damn fine memory."
   "I shall keep that in mind, mo bhanrigh bhreagha."
   "Seriously though, stop it."
   "I cannot just stop speaking in my language mo bhanrigh bhreagha."
   "Ugh, gah!" And I feel like pulling out my hair.  "No, you don't have to stop speaking your language moron, just stop calling me your beautiful queen.  I am not your queen."
   "—Yet," He says smugly.
   Oh my Go—GAH! Why was I surrounded by such annoying and aggravating men?
"You are just blessed in that way, my beloved," Chamuel says, with a look of amusement on his face.
"Blessed," I snap, "I can think of another word for it."
Chamuel laughs then and says, "Oh, please don't, amour."
"Again, I do not like this conversation that I am not privy to," Terrenel interjects again.
Chamuel laughs even harder and leans over Walker to shoot me a brilliant and wide smile. "Did I not tell you how much he would hate it, my beloved? How it would, 'throw him off his game,' and unnerve him?"
My eyes widen. Now that he'd mentioned it...he had said that. I give Chamuel an equally large smile. "You did, you did mention that."
"You will stop with this...this...dialogue right now," Terrenel says.
"Seriously, all you need to do is stomp your foot and pout now to complete the picture," I say, still smiling.
"Do not test me on this, mo bhanrigh bhreagha."
"Or keep forgetting the 'or else' part, dude."
Terrenel blinks, looks first to Walker, and then to Chamuel. "Is she always like this?"
Walker snorts, "No, sometimes she's worse."
I punch him in his arm, but I'm smiling. "Hey!"
Walker laughs. "What? You know it's true, darling girl. You're a fucking handful and a half and we all know and love it...well, Fairy boy douchbaggery over there is finally figuring it out at least." Walker winks at me, "We'll see if he can handle it. And by it, I mean you, darling girl."
I roll my eyes. "I'm a handful, me? What about you guys? I mean," I snort, "You keep attacking each other with swords. How's that not more than a handful than me?" I frown, did that even make sense. Gah, these guys, they were turning my brain into mush.
   "I never said we weren't a handful," Walker quips, "But we're YOUR handful."
   He was right.  Damn it.  I hated it when he was right.  They were all assholes, the lot of them, but they were my assholes.
   "I like asshole about as much as I like, dude," Chamuel says dryly and I laugh.
   "Sorry, I think it like I think it,"
   "I do not believe that is how the saying goes," Terrenel says with a slight frown on his beyond beautiful face.
   I shrug.  "When said my way, it is."
   "Please, nighean bhreagha, eat, you must be starving.  We can continue our conversation after you have eaten."
   I snort.  Fat chance at that, buster.  However, he was right about one thing, I WAS starving.  I look in front of me, and at the plate that had seemingly magically appeared, it was loaded with delicious looking and smelling food.  I dig in.  The second the food touches my tongue I let out a long, drawn out moan of intense pleasure which seems to stop all three men mid-motion.  I blink, fork still poised at my mouth and speak around the food, "What?  It's really, really goooood," I say.
   "You make love to the food, nighean bhreagha." Terrenel murmurs.  "It is not hardship to watch you eat, well, it is hard...but not a hardship."
  Great.  I'm giving them a food porn show.  I know I'm blushing.  I can feel the heat crawling up my neck and flooding my face.  My fork clatters onto the plate.
   " my beloved, do not let what Terrenel said stop you from your enjoyment.  Although he is not entirely incorrect in his statements.  However, what he said should not stop you from eating, beloved."
   Well fuck.  If I was gonna give them a show, I guess I should make it a good one, and I pick up my fork again and stuff another morsel of food into my mouth.  And just like before my eyes almost roll back in my head and I moan.  I just can't fucking help it.  The food is just that good.
   "Fuuuuuck..." Walker groans.   "How rude would it be if I come in my pants at the Fairy Boy's big party?"
   "Very," Chamuel says dryly.
   "Well, you have better control than me, birdie, cause if she continues to do that...then I'm gonna be needing a new pair of pants."
   "You're crude," Chamuel retorts.
   "You know it." Walker snaps back.
I chuckle, even with a mouthful of food. Now that I've gotten over my initial embarrassment, I'm sorta enjoying how uncomfortable I'm making them just by eating.
"Soooo..." I lick my lips and watch as Terrenel follows the movement with his eyes. "Any word on our meeting with the Dark Fae King?" And just like that Terrenel is pulled out of his stupor and his face goes stormy. "I'll take that as a yes."
"Apparently he has spies everywhere," Terrenel snaps.
"Spies? Who has spies?"
"Branuel Or De A'lanuel," Terrenel is practically foaming at the mouth. His star kissed eyes are glowing and his hands are clenched into tight fists. "He was not...surprised when my messenger approached him. He was, as he always is, apparently arrogant and coarse. He refused to speak business, as he called it with a mere messenger. So that is where I have been, nighean bhreagha. I have been at the Dark Fae Court negotiating with Branuel Or De A'lanuel. He has agreed to meet with us. It took much to sway him, but he has agreed. He was not surprised by my appearance either. As I said...apparently his spies informed him of your presence. Of the presence of you all."
Oh. Hmmm...was that good or bad?
"It's complicated, amour," Chamuel murmurs. "Branuel Or De A'lanuel is understanding as Terrenel. Nor is he as patient."
Patient? Terrenel was considered a patient king? Jeez. This Branuel dude had to be bad if Terrenel was considered patient by his standards.
"He is...he is quite bad, as you say, amour. He is the king of the Dark Fae. The worst of the worst live within his court and make up his lands. These creatures...these things...they would, will take pleasure in your pain and suffering. In fact, they would relish it. Terrenel and Branuel Or De A'lanuel have been at odds for longer than—"
"—Let me tell it, Chamuel El Epp," Terrenel says, eyes hard and cold. "The Dark Fae King won his crown through blood and flesh. As did his father before him. They left such carnage that even the Goddess had to intercede. Luothor Or De A'lanuel, Branuel Or De A'lanuel's father was a monster that even other monsters fear. His one and only love was for pain and fear. He shaped his court into a dungeon where even demons fear to tread. His son...his son is not much better. Branuel Or De A'lanuel controls the Wild Host. Do you know what they are, nighean bhreagha?"
I think back to my studies and nod slowly. "They exist in Norse mythology, right?"
"The Vikings have them as well, nighean bhreagha. But the Wild Host is more than mere Norse mythology. The Wild Host is compiled of the worst and most wild and bloodthirsty of Fae there are. They are always controlled by the leader of the hunt, in this case, their leader is the Dark Fae King himself. They are true monsters, nighean bhreagha. They will take your blood and flesh and revel in it."
I gulp and Chamuel speaks. "Do not frighten her for naught, Terrenel. Tell it true. Tell her the rest."
Terrenel sighs. "A hunt must be issued first before the bloodletting."
"A...hunt?" I whisper.
"And...uh...what brings on the hunt," I ask.
"Ach, good question, nighean bhreagha. An offense, or injustice of some kind. It must be particularly wretched and unjust to have the Host brought down upon you. But once the Hunt is issued it cannot be undone until the blood and flesh is collected in some way."
"Okaaayyyy...then..." I chew my food and contemplate those words.  "Will they follow you anywhere?"
   "Pardon, milis."
   "The Host of the Wild Hunt, will they follow the...uh..." I gulp, swallowing my food and slowly let the rest out, "...will they follow their prey anywhere?"
   "Are you asking if they are confined to Tir na nOg?"
   I nod, "Yes, I suppose I am," I watch as Terrenel mulls over my words.
   "A very intelligent question made by an astute observation," Terrenel murmurs.  "I do not believe we've ever had such a thing tested before."
   I share a quick look with Walker.
   "You thinking what I'm thinking, darling girl?"
   A small bitter smile crawls over my face, "I dunno, are you thinking that maybe the Host are stuck here in Fairy, otherwise they'd have already caught our murderer for us."
   Walker nods his head.  "Yeah, that's what I was thinking.  Oh, and if a Hunt is issued could I participate.  I'd reeeeaaally like to participate," And his eyes gleam with wicked intent.
   I shake my head and snort.  Of course he would.  He was a total psycho—my psycho—but still a psycho nonetheless.  "It doesn't sound like this Bran dude would be up for that, Walker." I can't miss how Terrenel winces when I butcher the Dark Fae King's name.
   "Branuel Or De A'lanuel," Terrenel says, "His name is not, Bran."
   I bite my lip and hold back the laugher threatening to bubble out of me.  "But hey, you hate the dude.  Don't you think it'll drive him nuts to hear himself referred to in such a manner?  Probably a great form of torture, ya know," I say.
   "Put that way..." Terrenel appears thoughtful before a brilliant smile bursts across his beautiful face.  "...Yes...yes it will drive him absolutely—" his voice cuts off and his face grows somber once again.  "But I wouldn't wish harm to befall you because of words made in jest.  No, no, you must address him fully."
   "Trust me, I will, address him fully, that is.  He's Mr. Big Bad Ass Scary Bran dude," and now I do laugh at the three equal looks of horror on all three of my guy's faces.  "What? Was it something I said. Ouch!" I squeak when Walker pinches my side.
   "Behave," he says to me, but his eyes sparkle mischievously.
   "I am," I snipe back, "this is me, behaving."
   Walker snorts.   "Ain't that the truth." He pets the place he just pinched and shivers run through my body.  His touch feels good, really, really good.  Too good.  God, if this is how I get when he merely pets my side, hows it going to be when we finally fu—my thought dies quickly when I catch Chamuel's eyes and see the knowing look on his face.
   I point at him.  "Hey, bad bad angel.  No eavesdropping in on my thoughts right now."
   Chamuel shrugs as if to say, "Sorry, not my problem." And I sigh deeply.  Heck, it probably wasn't, his problem actually.  We'd already established that fact.  Walker's hand lands on my jean clad thigh and I tense.  I don't have to wait but a minute before he begins to knead my jean clad flesh—hard.  And if I'd thought his petting was good, this...this was ridiculous.  My heart begins to pound so loudly I'm shocked that the entire room can't hear it beating.  I feel heat bloom within me and moisture gather between my legs. 
   Jesus Christ.
   "No..." Chamuel murmurs.  "He definitely has nothing to do with this," he says, voice thick and hoarse.
   I grab Walker's hand, he's begun to move it from my inner thigh, up further, and hell, no matter how good it feels, I'm not about to give these people that kinda show.
   " much as I appreciate your reactions...I do believe I agree with you," Chamuel spits out.
   Walker still hasn't removed his hand, and we begin a 'hand tug-of-war,' neither of us willing to let go of the other.  "Walker," I hiss at him.  "Seriously, now is NOT the time."
   "For what, darling girl?" Walker cocks his head to one side, and flashes me a saucy smile.  "I have no idea what you're talking about."
   "I mean it.  Stop it." I groan and let out a little moan when Walker digs in his fingers deeper and quickly look around, praying no one had heard or noticed.  I catch Terrenel's eye and am floored by the expression, by what I see on his face.  There is just so much there—need, want, desperation, hope, pain...adoration—It's all there, plain as day to see.  "Whoaaaa..." I mutter.
   "Just so, my amour, just so." Chamuel smiles at me when my head whips back his way.  "He has waited, much as I have, a very, very, very, long time for you."
   "Jesus, I mean, jeezum." I shake my head back and forth.  "I...I...I don't know what to do with all of this, Chamuel." I blink.  "I...I don't know what to do with him." I had no idea what to do with what I saw on king Terrenel's face.  Frankly, it was scaring the shit outta me.  I'd barely begun to accept that Walker loved me, and that I had an angel fiancé, but I had a fairy king who said I was his destined queen, and meant to be his?
   "Oh you know what to do with him," Walker whispers in my ear and I shiver.  "You know exactly what to do with him, and will you let me watch darling girl...or join in, I'd rather join in." I use my other hand and smack his arm
   Leave it to Walker to lighten the moment with his special brand of crazy.  "No."
   "No you don't know, or no, you won't let me join in," and he mock frowns.  "Now that's just mean, baby girl." He grins then at me, flashing perfectly even straight white teeth.  "Trust me when I say I'll make it worth your while...very, very, much worth your while." He leans over dips his head, pushes my heavy hair away from my neck and nuzzles me.  "Ohhhhhh baby girl, you're gonna find out just how much you love having us worship you."
   My breath hitches in my throat.   "I...I..." damn it, get words out, Annora you idiot, "...I...thought you already did, worship me, that is." And was that my voice? Why was it soooo breathy?  Oh yeah, Walker, Walker and his damned hands and talented lips on my skin.  Walker gives my neck a little bite and I gasp.
   "I do...we do...worship you.  And soon you're going to see just how much."
   "Walker..." I whine.  "Honestly, you've gotta stop." Walker's breath caresses my highly sensitive skin and I shiver.
   "But I'm not doing anything, darling girl."
   "You know exactly what you're doing right now, you big oaf."
   "I am, big.  But I'm definitely not an oaf." Walker bites my neck again and smiles against my skin when I moan.  "We'll reserve judgement about fairy boy and whether or not he's an oaf after."
   "After..." I say breathily.
   Walker gives me a long slow lick and I gasp.  "Yes baby girl, after.  After we've had you, had you alone, had you all together...then and only then, after you've cum so many times you can barely walk, will I ask you if you think fairy boy is an oaf."
   "Huh?" Great, just great comeback, you idiot.
   Walker throws back his head and laughs.  "Exactly, huh.  You believe you can barely think now...just you wait, Annora darling, just you wait."
I look over at Terrenel and my eyes widen.  His eyes are blown wide, pupils dilated, and glowing.  He's gripping the table so hard his knuckles are white, and I can see his impressive chest heaving.
   " as this all is," Chamuel's voice breaks in, "...unless you wish to start an orgy over dinner, or a riot...Romanoff, you need to stop teasing my beloved girl."
   Walker pouts and rolls his eyes.  "You're no fun, birdie." He gives me one last nip and releases me.  I let out a deep sigh, whether from relief or regret, I'm not sure.
I pick up my fork and find that my hand is shaking.  Stupid Walker.  Stupid Walker's sinful mouth and hands.  Stupid sexual frustration.
   "That..." Terrenel clears his throat, "Was probably wise of you Chamuel El Epp, staying the War Lak's hand...and...mouth." He turns the full force of his brilliant glowing eyes on me and continues.  "...As we unfortunately have no time for the sort of play that I'm very much looking forward to.  As we have a meeting with the Dark Fae King to get to imminently."
   Wait a minute, what?! "I'm sorry, I thought I just heard you say that we're meeting with the Dark Fae King, like really soon."
   Terrenel nods.  "Just so, milis, just so.  We must finish up and head out."
   What the hell!
   Terrenel must be able to read the disbelief written all over my face because he cocks his head to the side and asks, "...Was this not what you wanted?  You wished to have an audience with the Dark Fae King."
   Well yeah, I did.  I just didn't expect it to be quite this soon.  "Uhmm...yeah, I did, I mean, I do, want to meet the Dark Fae king, and interrogate him a little.  I just wasn't prepared for you to drop the bomb that we need to go like now, on me."
   Terrenel shrugs.  "He is the Dark Fae King.  His powers bloom greatest in the midnight hours.  I'm certain that that played a part in his decision to see us at this time."
   "What about your powers?" I ask.
   "What about them, milis?"
   "Will your powers work in the Dark Fae King's court?" The thought that he'd be defenseless didn't sit well with me.
   Terrenel grins and takes me hand in his.  "I am most pleased that you worry for me, milis.  But you needn't do so.  I will be well.  All will be well.  I will not be powerless in his court.  The strength of my power will be lessened, yes, but not completely diminished.  Branuel Or De A'lanuel and I may hate each other, but there is a certain level of...respect that we hold for each other, as we are both the Kings of our courts, and reign over our people."
   "Okay," I murmur, " won't try to kill each other, good, that's good."
   "Oh, that I cannot promise.  We very well may try to kill each other, however, I doubt either of us would be very successful in our endeavor."
   Oyyy...I rub my temple and sigh.  "Why do you all do that?"
   "Do what?" Terrenel asks.
   "Attack each other.  Seriously, first Walker and Chamuel, and then you and Walker, and now you and this Bran dude.  Why do you all go in swinging.  I mean, come on, sometimes tact works best," and I ignore Walkers snort of disbelief.  "A little big of..."
   "Annora darling, you're one to talk," Walker cuts me off.  "You might be the least tactful person I've ever encountered.  How many times have you told a colleague to go fuck themselves, or get fucked?"  Walker laughs.  "Trust me, I adore it, just like I adore you.  But, do not try to talk to us about tact when you could take a lesson or two in it yourself."
   Walker had just schooled me.  I frown.  I didn't like it.  Oh, he was right, but that didn't mean I had to like it.  "Well," I grumble, "At least I don't go after people with long ass broadswords."
"But Annora darling, swords are the best," Walker quips. "A good axe will get the job done as well, but I'll admit my preference for a good sword."
    I drop my head, and resist the urge to bang it against the table. First he drives me nuts revving me up and leaving me 'hanging' in sexual frustration hell, and now he was determined to take what was left of my sanity with his total batshit brand of crazy.
"You drive me crazy, Walker," I mutter.
"Ditto, darling girl, ditto. But in the best way, wouldn't you say?"
"There's a best way for crazy?" I snipe back.
"But of course there is. We're perfect examples of quite simply the perfect pair of crazy." Walker grins at me right before his face grows more somber and serious. "No one, no one Annora darling girl, tempers me the way you do. Trust me, truly trust my words when I tell you that I believe I'd paint the world red and revel in it, if it weren't for you. You have always brought me back. Even when you weren't with me, when you ran from me, and I was lost in darkness, you, the knowledge of you, and me, and what we could be always brought me back from the brink. I have always cared about what you think, and I have always worried what you'd think if I were to do some of what I've contemplated doing in my past."
    This was heavy shit. And just exactly had Walker contemplated?
" do not wish to know, amour." Chamuel interjects softly. "That is for him to tell you when he is ready. Although it is one of the reasons we were at odds. The Heavenly Host has not always approved of our Romanoff, nor have they approved of his dame and her Coven."
"You wouldn't...wouldn't have hurt him, not really, right, Chamuel?" I ask softly. And when he remains silent I have my answer. One I'm not exactly pleased with.
"It's okay, baby girl," Walker says gently, and takes my hand and begins to stroke it. "I...I...I have done things Annora darling, things that yes, have brought me to the attention of the Heavenly Host. But," And he shoots Chamuel a snide look, "...Don't think I wouldn't have handed birdie boy his fucking heart if he ever really got too close to me."
"You forget yourself, Romanoff," Chamuel says softly, but dangerously.
"No birdie, YOU forget yourself. And you forget that you're not entirely infallible. There are ways to dispatch The Heavenly Host, even one as strong as you."
"NO! NO! Stop with the attacking, dispatching, killing, heart-ripping out, talk." I snap. "Enough. I get it. Shit went down, you both have some history with one another," I look to Terrenel then, "Hell, even you have history with my angel. Trust me, I never realized just how 'small' my world would become." I feel a bubble of hysterical laughter bloom within me, "If you'd have told me I'd be sitting here with a Warlock, Angel and Fairy King discussing some weird three-way, wait no, four way relationship, oh and eating food at said Fairy King's table while casually talking about meeting someone potentially complicit in horrific murders where the killer turns human beings into fucking apples and eats them, a week ago, I'd have laughed in your face and told you that you were fucking nutso. So, listen...we've got shit to do, apparently not one of which is eating my food at breakneck speed so we can rush out to go meet this horrific monstrous Dark Fae King. If you," And I speak Walker with a look, "...try any of that 'funny business' like you did before with your hand, I'll fucking stab it with my fucking fork, your got it? And you," I then turn my eyes to Chamuel, "Are going NOT to threaten Walker or his mother again. It makes him cranky. And frankly I've got enough with his crazy, I don't need to add cranky to the mix. And you," I turn to Terrenel last. "Aren't going to speak in a language I don't understand, all the time, nor dress me up like some freaking reject from King Henry the 8th court. I think you saw how well that went the last time you tried." And I know I have a feral smile on my face. "Now, I'm going to finish my fucking dinner, and we're all going to get along if it fucking kills us. Then we're going to meet some psycho Dark Fairy King in his dungeon like palace where we very well may get ourselves killed. Sound good? Okay. Great." And I turn my attention back to plate and stuff another morsel of food in my mouth, effectively dismissing them all.
    This was now my fucking show. And they could just get with it, or get off the fucking train...cause I wasn't about to put the brakes on it.

cause I wasn't about to put the brakes on it

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Blood and Apples: An Annora Park Novel: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now