Mirio: "All right." They walked with Eri, and I looked at him.

"Time to cut those hands, so you won't be a threat anymore

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"Time to cut those hands, so you won't be a threat anymore." I drew my sword, and cut both of his hands. He yelled of pain. I made water healing, to stop the bleeding, and it worked.

"Now you are a useless one. You deserve that." I carried him, and jumped really high. I got to Nighteye agency.

"Nighteye! I got him."

Nighteye: "What?! What did you do with his hands?"

"I cut them, so he isn't a threat anymore, and he won't use his quirk. Don't worry, I stopped his bleeding with my quirk. Also, we found a little girl, which he was threatening. Lemillion and Deku are taking care of her."

Nighteye: "Well... You did a great job Silent. Now I will take care of it."

"Also, I want to take care of the girl. Can I?"

Nighteye: "Ask your teacher. You are free now."

"Bye Nighteye." I walked to the dorm.

Nighteye: "This kid is really strong. Dangerous one."

I arrived, and walked to the Aizawa room. I knocked.

Aizawa: "Who's there?"

"Keiji Y/N."

Aizawa: "Come in." I walked inside.

"Hey Aizawa sensei. I wanted to talk something with you."

Aizawa: "What is it kid? And just call me Aizawa when we are alone."  I nodded.

"There is a kid I just saved. I beat a villain named Overhaul, but there was a kid running away from him. Is a girl, 8-9 years old I think. Can you adopt her, so I can take care of her?"

Aizawa: "Let me see the kid. And sure, I will do that."

"Thank you." I called Midoriya to bring Eri. Aizawa called the adoption center. When Eri saw me, she run towards me and hugged on my leg.

"Hey Eri. My name is Y/N." I smiled at her, but she was scared around her. I crouched, and look at her.

"You trust me, don't you?" She nodded.

"That's good. Ok listen. My teacher, is calling adoption center, so he can adopt you. When he will adopt you, we can see each other more, and we can play whatever you want. How's that?" She nodded, trying to smile. I patted her head.

"It's going to be ok. I am here for you snowflake." I hugged her, and she started crying.

Eri: "I-I am scared that he will come back again..."

"Oh don't worry, he won't come near you anymore. I just send him to the heroes. He is gone now. Now snowflake, how about I make some food for you? You must be hungry, right?" She nodded. I carried her on my shoulder, and started cutting some apples. Then I started making some soup, while she was eating the apples.

Eri: "Apples are sweet!"

"Of course they are. That's why I cut some for you." I heard a knock on the door. Midoriya opened the door, and it was the adoption center.

"Go call Aizawa sensei." He nodded and called him.

"Now Eri, I am here for you. A man will come down, and he will be your father. He is a sleepy tired teacher, but he is a good teacher. He may look a little scary, but you will be fine with it, right?"

Eri: "O-Ok." Aizawa walked down. Eri saw him, and hide behind my leg. I patted her head, and smiling at her. She nodded, and walked to him. Some time passed, and they were done. Eri ran to me, and hugged me.

"See? Now it's over. You will be here with him and me. You will meet new people, which they are good one. Expect of someone with purple balls on his head. Don't talk to him if he does talk to you. He is a... stupid one. Ok snowflake?"

Eri: "W-why you call me snowflake?"

"Because your hair has a unique color, and it matches with snow. So I call you snowflake." I patted her and hugged her.

Eri: "Y-you are my hero Y-Y/N."

"I am glad, Eri. You are the first one who said that. I will talk with your dad now, because I have plans for everyone, especially for you. Trust me, ok?" She nodded. I walked with her to Aizawa sensei.

"Hey Aizawa sensei, we need to make a festival. Mostly because I want to make her smile. Can you talk with principal about that?"

Aizawa: "I don't see why not kid."

"Also congrats of being a father now. Dadzawa."

Aizawa: "Oi kid. Don't call me that in front of anyone. Or detention, a bad one." I nodded, chuckling.

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