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Some weeks passed, and a good deal of stuff has happened. I joined with Endeavor, I trained with Todoroki, while his dad was being an idiot. We caught Stain, and the credits goes to Endeavor. It sucks, but we couldn't do anything. Now I am in the bus with my friends, going to meet the Pussycats. I closed my eyes, and I started dreaming. It was in the forest, and someone got kidnapped. Someone yelled, and when I see from afar, blue flames were around the forest, and everyone who around, were passed out, and some crying. Someone behind, stabs me. That's where I woke up from that... Nightmare? It felt real. Tsu was sleeping on my shoulder. Good that I didn't wake her up. I looked outside from the window and... A tear rolled on my cheeks. I didn't know why. I wiped away, it must be nothing. Then the bus stopped. I patted Tsu, waking her up.

"Tsu, wake up, we are here." She yawned and nodded. We stood up, and walked outside. We saw the Pussycats, and a little boy. Then she told us to jump and to reach at the campsite at 3 PM. Now the time was 12:20 PM. That's enough for me, but for others, I don't know. I looked at the forest, and a flashback came on my mind.

"Gh..." This was the forest I saw on my dream. Tsu got worried.

"I am ok, I have a headache, it's nothing. Don't worry."

Tsu: "If you say so..." I kissed her on her forehead, and hold her hand.

"Shall we jump?" She nodded, smiling.

"Ok. Everyone, let's jump, and tell them that we can reach earlier than they said. Let's tell them we are the best."

Everyone: "Yeah!!" Everyone jumped, following my lead. We started running, and we felt a shake on the ground. It was some Earth Monsters. Easy. I manipulated the water, splashing at them, and they started to fade away. They are just some dirt monsters. Bakugo was exploding them, Deku was kicking them, Uraraka and Tsu flying away those monsters. We were doing good. We kept running, and we reached the campsite. The time was 2 PM. The Pussycats were shocked.

The Pussycats: "Wow you all actually came earlier. You all did great! But don't think it's over. You all going to make your own food, and you're going to train from tomorrow."

"Well, ok then. That's nothing. Where is the kitchen?" They showed us the kitchen, and they had so many ingredients. Ok good.

"Yo, Sato, and Bakugo, can you help me cook?" They both nodded.

"Todoroki, and Momo, get some woods, we need it for fire. Uraraka, and Tsu, get some water. Kirishima and Mina, make some decoration. Kaminari and Jiro, some musics please. Sero, make some cool tape rainbow. Others, chop the wood they will bring." Everyone nodded. Ok that's better.

Sato: "What are we going to do, Y/N?"

"A cake, biscuits, curry, spaghetti, everything. So we can impress everyone with our teamwork."

Bakugo: " Why are you doing that? How did you do that planned?"

"Well, because we need teamwork, and if something happens, we can trust to each others. If we fight with villains, we will be the best team 1-A heroes. So, I planned this, because tomorrow, I will teach everyone some tricks. So we can know better their quirks." They nodded, they understood.

"Also Katsuki, your ego is getting better. I will congratulate you."

Bakugo: "Tch, just because I want some tricks about quirks." I laughed.

"All right then, I will make sure you will be the best hero. If you promise you will be friended with Midoriya."

Bakugo: "Tch... Fine, whatever."

"You will thank me later." We started making the food, and everyone was doing their job. We were doing a perfect party, and a perfect teamwork. I was smiling big, and a tear fall on my cheeks, again.

Tsu: "You are happy, aren't you?"

"Why shouldn't I? Look at them doing their job. They are talking, having fun, team working, and many more. Imagine in the future, when we will get the provisional hero, we all would be the best team. Team 1-A. Or something like that. Hehe." I giggled. She looked at me, smiling, and hugged me.

Tsu: "You think for everyone, don't you?" I nodded.

Tsu: "And you are worried about them. Aren't you?" I again nodded.

"I just... Don't want anything to happen to them. They all are my friends. My best one. I am glad that I was accepted into UA school, and being in your class."

Bakugo: "If you weren't at our class, who knows what would happen. I wouldn't be friendly with anyone, maybe someone else would do something bad, I am happy that you are in our class, ninja."

Everyone: "Yeah!!" I was shocked. Everyone was hearing that, and everyone came to hug me. I, for once, felt safe.

Bakugo: "Ok now time to eat!! Unless you want to eat it cold, is not that I fucking care!!" I chuckled. I got spaghetti, and I saw some sauces. And some cheese. That's my favorite. I started eating, but the sauce was spicing, so I got milk and drink it.

"Ok who put some spice sauces on my spaghetti?!" Everyone chuckled, while Bakugo was hiding his head, laughing.

Everyone: "Are you Italian? Because you sound like spaghetti." Everyone started laughing. I was shocked. Everyone in the same time said that. I sighed.

"Fine, I will forgive the one who did it." I started eating, and I finished it.

Time skip: Everyone is training, while Bakugo is yelling.

I learned to everyone some trick how to do quirks stronger and better. When they tested it, they gasped. Everything they did it in the past, they are doing much better. I walked to Bakugo.

"Bakugo, why don't you make your explosion, less explosive? Why don't you focus at some direction where to shot?" I made a wall of water, and explain how to do it. He did some explosion, like bullets shooting from his hand. He called them AP Shot.

"Now, why don't you make something, that everyone will make them shocked? That everyone wouldn't expect from you?"

Bakugo: "Like what?"

"Fireworks." He was dumbfounded. I chuckled.

"You see, fireworks explode. You know that. Why don't train with fireworks? In the future, it will be a great help. Like notify someone, and they will come to help you."

Bakugo: "Oh, I see the reason. I will do some fireworks then."

"Make your own fireworks." With that said, I walked to Aizawa sensei.

Aizawa: "Kid, I think you trying to steal my job."

"Haha, sorry Aizawa sensei, I just like to help everyone. I don't want anything bad to happen to them. I talk too much, don't I? Sorry." He patted my head, which it was unexpected.

Aizawa: " I didn't say you are doing a bad work. I am saying that in the future, you will be the best." It was warm coming from Aizawa sensei. He was being like a father to me.

"I don't want to be the best. I just want to be strong to help everyone. The best one will be Midoriya, and Bakugo. I and Tsu, will do just heroes. If she wants something else, I don't mind. My desire is, to see everyone happy, to be a perfect hero, and in the future, everyone will look up at them. Now I sound like a teacher, don't I?"

Aizawa: "You are talking like a teacher, but you are talking like a leader too. It's a good thing kiddo. Heroes nowadays are being heroes because they just think of money and fame."

"Like Endeavor."

Aizawa: "You can say that. But this generation, you kids are in, are going to be the rise of the heroes. And everyone will understand what's the meaning of being a hero." I looked at him.

"Aizawa sensei." He looked at me. I hugged him, and whisper:

"If you were my dad." He was shocked. Then he hugged me back, and patting my head.

"You are growing kiddo. I am glad to have you in my class." I smiled.

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