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"Who the hell are you?" I was seeing him confused.

???: "I am someone you don't need to know for now, just follow me."

"I prefer eat first, and sleep. So no, leave me alone." I was walking inside the home, when he pointed on my neck with his sword.

???: "I would choose to follow me. Come."

"Tch." I followed him, he was walking in a dark alley. It was a little scary. Then he stopped. He looked at me.

"The hell you want?" I was getting pissed off.

???: "Don't you recognize this voice, Y/N?" I was getting confused.

"Should I? Because I had no one to remember, only my girlfriend and my brother. I hardly remember him. And no, you can't be my brother." He stayed silent first. I started walking away, but he removed the mask.

???: "Do you recognize me now?"

"It doesn't matter if you are my actual brother. I don't care anymore. Don't ever come at my home. You left me. You didn't say 'hi' to me, just sometimes. You just, left me. You left everyone. So don't ever think about forgiving you." I walked to my home. I laid on my bed, thinking for so many things. When I came in Japan first, I loved my brother. But thinking about it, he didn't... love me. Why didn't he say hi to me sometimes? Why didn't he care for me? He just left. Gone. For 6 years. I am not forgiving him anymore.

Tsu: "Y/N-Kun, are you inside the bedroom?"

"Yeah... Come in." She came in, looking at me worried.

Tsu: "Did he do anything to you?"

"No, and he will never bother me anymore. Nor you. If he does, tell me, ok?" She nodded, and sat near me. I looked at her, she was worried about me, she was about to cry.

"Tsu-chan, shh it's ok, I am here." I hugged her.

Tsu: "Who was he?"

"My brother. But I am not going to forgive him. Since he left me alone for 6 years."

Tsu: "I thought you loved your brother?"

"Not anymore. Think about it, why didn't he cared about me, why didn't he say hi to me once in a while, at least 1 time in a year. Why he didn't train me, like brother and brother. He could find a little time, just saying hi. That matters for me. But he didn't. Now he cames to me, thinking that we would be brothers again. 6 years alone."

Tsu: "It must be hard for you..." I kissed her forehead and gave her a smile. She gave me a sad smile.

"It's going to be ok, trust me. Just let's focus for the school, and our relationship. Hehe."

Tsu: "Ok. Kero. Also can we make homework together?"

"Sure. It would be fun."

Time skip: Tsu fell asleep on Y/N's shoulder while doing homework.

Aizawa: "Today you will-"

Tsuyu x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz