Michifer • Rose Garden

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(A/N: as the title says I am totally clueless as to what the ship is. This is just Michael, Lucifer and Adam chilling. also, its really short)

Adam still was confused as to how they got out of the cage. One second they where sitting in the pit, the next Michael was gripping one of his shoulders and Lucifer had the other.

They had landed in California. Lucifer quickly conjured up enough money to buy a house and Michael thought up their backstories. Which was when I became the adopted son of two archangels.

The house Lucifer got was lonely and didn't have anyone around for miles, but that had it's benefits. Michael and Lucifer freely used their powers tk play games, or makr it snow I n the middle of summer just so they could have their snowball fight.

Lucifer also had a rose garden. The rose bushes grew next to large hedges, which created a simple yet beautiful maze.

Adam was still kind of edgy on trusting the archangels but they where good to him, and they made really good food.

One day, while Lucifer was watching his roses, Michael came to sit with him. He leaned slightly against Lucifer so he would know of his presence.

"Luci," Michael began starting intently at therose bush on front of him, "I like not having to fight you, or lead in father's absence. I like that we get to prove that we arent all bad, because then at least someone will know, and that someone will be our slightly adoptive son. I love living now."

Lucifer smiled as he trimmed the rose bush.

"Me to Mika, me to."

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