What the Hell ~ crack oneshot

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"No thanks, bitch. I'm a motherfucking carnivorous squirrel." Dean screamed as he flicked off his brother, racing away from him and almost running into the bookshelf with the swords on top, trying to avoid his brother who was throwing running shoes and salad at him.

"No, Dean, you need to eat your fucking salad or you'll get fat and won't be able to fuck Cas cause you'll be to fat and lazy!" Sam screamed at him dodging the bookcase and throwing a Nike Freerun filled with salad at Dean's back. "Eat it, jerk!"

"Stay away from my you stupid pagan god bitch! Cassie help me! I'm going to die!" Dean screamed again, covering his head as he sprinted away, trying to find somewhere to hide from Sam.

"That's rude!" Sam yelled in offence, dodging Cas as he popped up in the middle of the hallway. "What's wrong, Dean?" Cas asked as Dean raced towards him after leading Sam through a loop.

"Sammy wants me to eat salad and jog," Dean scoffed, "help me!"

Dean forgot to not run into Cas and the two went flying to the floor, their lips forced together by the impact. Dean's eyes widened before closing as he began actually kissing Cas as the lay sprawled across the floor.

Sam shrugged and walked away, munching on the lettuce, only to find Gabriel, Michael, Lucifer, Samandriel, and Adam in the kitchen. Samandriel and Adam where holding hands in the corner with their heads close, while Lucifer and Michael made out in the middle of the kitchen and Gabriel rolled his eyes in annoyance before lighting up when he saw Sam.

"Sammy!" The trickster cried, smashing his lips onto the moose's and throwing his arms around him. He pulled his head back slightly to scream, "gay ships are you ships," before going back to kissing Sam.

Dean and Cas rounded the corner after hearing the commotion.

Dean's jaw dropped as he whispered, "what the actual fucking hell," upon seeing the angels and his brothers.

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