💙when you get jealous💙

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♥ you get jealous because Asta is oblivious to girls feelings
♥ Asta doesn't notice you're jealous at first
♥ when he does he starts freaking out
♥ he's happy but also doesn't want you to feel bad
♥ will be all giddy as he comforts you
♥ he's squeaking his head off

♥ you get jealous because literally everyone lowkey wants to smash ur man
♥ Yuno will smirk at your jealousy
♥ he'll tease you about being childish
♥ "aren't you going to show me how I belong to you?'
♥ you rode him full homo
♥ he'll be smiling the whole next day

♥ you get jealous of some girl
♥ he electrocutes her to prove his love
♥ "promise it's onlyyyy you"
♥ he doesn't really care that you're jealous
♥ but he does like how you cling to him
♥ he'll shock u after kissing u and be like 'I wouldn't cheat idiot~"

♥ you get jealous of all the girls that admire him
♥ he gives a 'manly' squeal
♥ "y-y-you're jealous?!"
♥"AHEM- well of course you would be I'm so desirable"
♥ good job now you boosted his ego
♥ "it's okay darling~ I only love yoooou"
♥ you feel like slapping his smug expression

♥ he talks about how kind his ex wife was
♥ you stare at him like 👁👄👁
♥ he chuckles at your reaction and kisses your forehead
♥ "you have me now..you know" you whispered
♥ "I'm so happy I do...I get to do so many things to you" He teases

♥ ladies flirt with him constantly
♥ you go off to him talking about how you're gonna 'smack a bitch'
♥ "don't be so childish"
♥ he's secretly really happy you're jealous
♥ "I wouldn't go for any commoner but you"
♥ yall cuddle
♥ "nobles on the other hand"
♥ "thin fucking ice"

♥ you catch him vibing with his childhood friend
♥ you get jealous because she's rlly pretty no homo
♥ when mars sees your expression he leans closer to you
♥ he whispers..
"I'm all yours"
♥ you have a smile on your face

♥ he spends more time with fuegoleon than he does with you
♥ "why don't you go talk to your BIG BROTHER about it"
♥ he's teasing and laughing at you about it
♥ "heyyy I'd rather hang out with my angel than my brother, you know that"
♥ "yeah I'm way better"
♥ "you feel better too~"
♥ "that's unholy"

♥ he rants about his little sister for like 8 hours
♥ "aight imma head out"
♥ "my love where are you going?"
♥ "go ask your sister"
♥ he realises your jealous and almost has a nosebleed
♥ "I only feel this way about you my darling"
♥ freaky deeky deeky

♥ he gets hit on my some random chicks
♥ when one gets too touchy...
♥ "watch it hoe I will gut you"
♥ Langris bursts out laughing before looking at the girl
♥ "you heard them, shoo" he says to the girl who runs away
♥ "who knew you could get so aggressive"
♥ "be quiet" you kiss him
♥ "can you show me all that aggression in bed?"

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 11, 2020 ⏰

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