Y/n:Totally...not lying...

Sokka:Y/n you're making me nervous...

They start to walk off leaving Sokka

Y/n:Be careful!

Katara:Okay you two watch close and try to mirror my movements if you can...

Y/n:Y/n watch...Aang and Katara...he is visual learner...

Katara:That's fine!

Katara starts to waterbend as Aang copies her movements used to do so

Katara:Now it took me months to learn how to do this so don't be...

Aang is not only water bending but at a noticeably higher level

Katara:Oh...you got it first try...

She turns to y/n

Katara:Did you get that?


He lights a small flame on the ground

Y/n:Y/n want fire...to be...smooth and fluid...like water...

He attempts to copy Katara but fails to do so as the fire aggressively jumps around...

Katara:This is where the learning takes place y/n...you learn from your mistakes...

He nods his head

Katara:Alright Aang for the next move...

She waterbends a small orb of water around her and drops it back into the stream

Katara:Now it's  pretty tough so don't be angry if-

Aang does it easily along with some added flair

Aang:Whats next?

Katara starts to get visibly angry

Katara:Okay Aang...this next move is so advanced that not even I have mastered it yet! The idea is to create a giant wave-

Aang creates a giant wave as it comes crashing down

Aang:You can do that too right?

Katara:Okay Aang enough practice for you!

Sokka gets up from the water,soaked...

Sokka:Hey you just "Practiced" our supplies away!

Aang:Sorry! We'll get some more...

Sokka:My life was hard enough when you were just an airbender...

Katara walks over to y/n as he is having an admittedly hard time

Katara:It must be tough for you...although I think you have it a bit harder...


Katara:Aang has to bend water,but you have to...in a way bend water but with fire instead...that's like bending two elements at the same time...

Y/n:Well...y/n figure it...out for...friends!

Katara:Do you need another demonstration?

Y/n sits down on the ground criss-cross and watches closely


Katara smiles a bit as she starts to demonstrate once again but this time more extensively and explains it with more detail

Y/n tries his best to take all the info and demonstration in

He goes back to the small fire and does attempts to mimic Katara once more

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