Chapter 35

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Clove's POV
When I wake up again my stomach flips, and I immediately rush to bathroom and drop to my knees and start puking my guts out into the toilet. A few seconds later I feel someone grab my hair, and rub my back. When I finish I flush the toilet and turn around and see Cato standing there with a worried look on his face.

"Clove what's wrong," he asks me.

"I don't know, my stomach has been hurting and I have been vomiting," I tell him honestly.

"Maybe you just have a stomach bug," he tells me.

"Maybe," I say not sure, I think I might know what's wrong, but if is what I think it is, then what am I gonna do? I start freaking out, and Cato gets me a toothbrush with toothpaste on it and I brush my teeth, to get the taste out of my mouth.

"Are you hungry," he asks me.

"No not really, my stomach is hurting and I think I just want to lay down," I tell him.

"Ok, I have to go to the training center, Enobaria and Brutus are across the street if you need anything, and I should be home soon," he tells me, going to change.

"Ok, I love you," I tell him.

"I love you too, Clover," he tells me giving me a kiss and leaving.

When he leaves I decide to take a pregnancy test, and luckily for me there are some already here, so I go into the bathroom, and open the cabinet and grab one, and read the directions on the box and take it.

When I take it, I wait a little bit, and when it has the results, I go check it and sure enough it's positive. I am freaking out right now wondering how I am going to tell Cato. What if he doesn't want a baby? What if he leaves me? All these possible out comes are going through my head, and I decide to call Enobaria about it. When I call her she answers on the third ring.

"Hello?" She asks.

"Enobaria, it's me Clove, and I need your help," I tell her frantically.

"Hey, Clove, what's wrong?!" She asks.

"Can you come over please," I ask her.

"Of course, I'll be over in a sec," she tells me.

"Ok," I tell her and the line goes dead. I go sit on the couch in the living room, and wait.

When I hear a knock on the door, I go and get it Enobaria is standing there.

"Come in," I tell her and we go sit in the living room.

"Clove what's wrong?!" She asks.

"I-I am pre-pregnant," I tell her scared.

"What!?" She asks.

"Enobaria what am I gonna do? What if Cato doesn't even want it?" I ask her.

"Well first congratulations, and second Clove I am sure he will want it, it'll be ok. All you need to do is talk to him," she tells me, with an encouraging smile.

I look down at me hands in my lap, and tears start falling from my eyes.

"Clove are you ok," she asks wrapping her arms around my shoulders.

"No, I am scared. I am 15 years old and pregnant," I tell her.

"Everything will be ok, Clove just calm down, and if you need any help, I will help you all you need to do is ask," she tells me, and I cry into her shoulder.

"Enobaria please don't ever leave me, you're like a mom to me, please don't make me go through this without you," I beg her.

"I will never make you go through this without me, you're like the daughter I never had, and all you have to do is ask me for anything, I will be here for you Clove," she tells me rubbing my back to soothe me.

"I love you Enobaria," I tell her.

"I love you too Clove," she tells me.

Enobaria stays with me the rest of the day until Cato gets back. When Cato gets back, she leaves and I decide I am just going to tell Cato about the baby. I pull him into the living room, and start telling him.

"Cato I need to talk to you about something," I start.

"Ok what is it?" He asks.

"I-I am pre-pregnant," I tell him and he sits there for a little bit, shocked.

"Cato?" I ask cautiously.

"That's great, Clove," he says with a huge smile on his face. I put a smile on face when I see he isn't mad.

"You're not mad?" I ask.

"No I am not mad, why would I be mad," he asks.

"I don't know, it's just we never talked about having kids and we just got engaged," I tell him.

"Clove, I'm happy we get to start a family," he says pulling me into a kiss, and I kiss him back making it deeper, and well you can guess what happened next.

Clove and Cato's love storyWhere stories live. Discover now