Chapter 34

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A week later
Cato's POV
When I wake up, Clove is still asleep so I decide to go and make her breakfast in bed. I get up making sure she doesn't wake up, and walk down into the kitchen, and make her some eggs, bacon, and pancakes, apple juice, and I put it all on a tray and write a note for her, and take it up to our room and see she is still asleep so I lay the food on her bedside table, and throw on a pair of athletic shorts and a t-shirt and go for a run.

Clove's POV
When I wake up, I notice Cato isn't beside me, so I sit up and look around the room and see a tray of food on my bedside table, and take it and put it on my lap. I see a note, so I read it,

I decided to go on a run, so I made you breakfast, and should be back soon, love you babe,

I look at the food, and take a bite of eggs, and as soon as I put it in my lap, I feel my stomach flip, and rush to the bathroom, and start puking my guts out. I am probably in her for about 10 minutes just puking, I feel someone grab my hair, and start rubbing my back. When I finish I flush the toilet and close the lid, and sit on it.

"Clove are you ok," Cato asks me worriedly.

"Yea, I don't know what happened," I tell him honestly. I decide to brush my to get the taste out of my mouth.

When I finish with that I walk back into the bedroom, and sit on the bed, Cato comes and sits beside me, and pulls me into his lap, and holds me there, and I fall back asleep.

Cato's POV
When Clove falls asleep, I gently lay her on the bed moving the food and putting it back on her bedside table. I wonder what happened, she was fine yesterday, but she just got sick all of a sudden. I decide to just let her sleep and maybe when she wakes up she will be better. I lay down beside her and pull her closer to me and she wraps her legs around mine and I wrap my arms around her waist. I really hope she gets better, and it's nothing, but I don't know. I start feeling her stir in my arms, and I hear whimpering, and I pull her closer to me.

"Clove, baby wake up it's just a dream, you're fine," I tell her rubbing her back. She stops whimpering and opens her eyes and looks at me.

"You're ok, it was just a dream," I tell her rubbing her back to try and soothe her.

"C-Cato I thought you d-di-died," she tells me.

"I am right here and I'm not going anywhere," I tell her, and she calms down and lays her head on my shoulder and falls back to sleep, and I fall asleep this time.

Hey guys sorry for the short chapter, I am just really busy, and trying to give y'all chapters, so I am doing what I can. Please work with me, and let me know what y'all think on this story!! Bye!!!

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