Chapter 29

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Clove's POV
I wake up to a growling sound, I turn and see Cato still asleep, so I instantly wake him.

"Cato, Cato wake up," I say, and he snaps his head up.

"How do you feel," he asks me.

"I feel better, but do you hear growling," I ask and look behind him and see eyes.

"Cato we need to get to the cornucopia, now," I say frantically.

"Ok," Cato says with a confused look on his face, and we stand up and sprint to the cornucopia.

When we get to the clearing, I look back and see dogs chasing us, and me and Cato get to the cornucopia, and climb up it.

When we get on top of it, I take a good look at the mutts, and see that they are the dead tributes.

"Omg I think I am going to be sick," I say.

"What is it Clover," Cato asks.

"Those are the dead tributes eyes, I can see Glimmer's green eyes in the one with blond fur," I say gagging.

"Clover, the gamemakers are probably just trying to get to us," he says, and I see Katniss and Peeta running out of the woods.

"Cato look," I say pointing to them.

"This is it, Clover me and you are going home," he says, and I nod my head.

Just then Peeta and Katniss climb up the cornucopia, and they see us and Katniss loads her bow.

"Don't even think about it 12," I say, grabbing a knife, and getting ready to throw.

"Y'all aren't going home," Cato says gripping his sword.

Katniss glares at us, and Peeta looks terrified.

"Looks like Lover boy healed up, your lucky Thresh got there when he did, but he isn't here now to save you," I say smirking. Katniss shoots and misses.

"Down an arrow now, that was smart," Cato says, and looks at me nodding his head, and I grab two more knives and throw them hitting Peeta in the leg and arm.

"Oops they slipped," I say running towards Katniss. I knock her down and climb on top of her grabbing a deadly knife.

I see Cato running towards Peeta and stabs him killing him instantly.

"PEETA!!!!!" Katniss screams.

"Oh don't worry y'all join him soon," I say. Cato walks over and snatches the bow and arrows out of Katniss's hands and throws them into the mutts.

"Now should we start where we left off," I say smirking tracing her lips.

She spits blood in my face distracting me and knocks me off of her. I wipe my face off and she is on the opposite side of the cornucopia.

"You're gonna regret that, I was going to make it a quick death but now forget it," I say and grab a knife from my vest and throw it, hitting her in the leg. I see Cato smirking at me from the corner of my eye.

Katniss let's out a scream, and falls, I walk over to her grabbing my most wicked knife, and start cutting her face up, while she screams in pain. When I finish torturing her, I stab her through the heart and the final canon sounds. The mutts leave and me and Cato slide down the side of the cornucopia.

"Cato we did it," I say jumping into his arms.

"Yes we did Clover," he says.


"We're going home," I say kissing Cato and he kisses back.

When we pull away a hovercraft is above us dropping a ladder for us to climb up. We climb up and see our mentors, Enobaria and Brutus, and our escort, Sapphire, I hug Enobaria and Brutus, and we ride back to the Capital.

Hope you guys enjoyed the Games. I tried to make them how I think they would have been if Clove hadn't had died, and that Cato had saved her. Please feel free to comment y'all's thoughts and feelings on the Games.

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