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The electricity must have come back, so the light of the street lamp illuminated my room, even if it was dim.

As my step sounds approached, my heart was beating hard with deep fear.

God, was I going to die?

Was Namjoon serious when he said he wouldn't let the killer hurt me?

I heard the door open slowly. I stood still in my bed without moving a muscle and held my breath. The large shaded human shadow reflected in the blanket had a big knife in his hand.

Although he tries to act silently, I was hearing his I left my breath that I held while my heart was beating violently like its were going to come off.  At that moment, I saw that the shadow lifted the blade into the air.

While I was expecting being stabbed, suddenly the man fell to the ground and started yelling. He was screaming as if he was being tortured by an invisible force.

As my body was trembling, I was buried in the bed. I couldn't even take my head out of the blanket out of fear. I heard the painful cries of the man, "You, you! Let me go!" he was screaming very loud.

When I pulled the blanket a little back with my shaking hands, the man was being dragged down the door of my room. He looked at me with a terrifying look on his face and held out his hand towards me, but gone away by being dragged.

Then I heard voices and shouts from downstairs. Then the outer door hitted hardly.  I saw traces of blood when I looked on the ground. My breaths were still uneven.  I felt like I was going to lose my mind.

For an hour, I just sat in bed in horror. Then I called out to Namjoon, but he was not there anymore. I got up even I'm afraid, and turned on the light of my room.

I went down the stairs. The traces of blood were ending in outside the door. It looks like Namjoon had taken him out of the house. I wondered where did he take him?

I sighed, then took the cleaning materials and cleaned every spot that got bloody. I had to deal with it for a long time. After all, I wouldn't  tell all of this to my family. What would I say? The monster under my bed killed the murderer hiding in our basement. This?

When my job was done, I directed my scared steps to the basement. I looked inside with my phone's flashlight. That jerk had scratched and pierced the wooden wall with some kind of cutting tool and cut it into pieces. The interior of the room, which is no longer hidden, smells awful and there were strange drawings on the walls. Canned waste and pet bottles were had thrown to the ground.

God... What would I say to my family about this?


The murderer's body was found in a garbage container. He had with deep wounds. This emerged a week after the terrible night. When my family came home, I've told them that I was wearing headphones in my room all night and I heard nothing. There was nothing I could explain about the situation in the basement of our house. My father applied to the police to investigate the situation. Police confirmed that, as Namjoon said, the killer had been hiding there after the murders, later broke the wall and fled the house. It was still a mystery that he found in the garbage, with heavy wounds, but the police ended this case by saying 'he lost his mental balance completely, damaged himself and committed suicide'.

Heh, how would they know that the murderer actually killed by a good-natured monster?

Well, to me, he was not a monster. He was just an unhappy spirit with an incomplete job in this world. He had his revenge. Everything was over.

Also, my dad filed a lawsuit against the landlord who sold the house without telling us what happened here.

I never heard of Namjoon again.  While we were making preparations to move out of this house, a strange sadness fell in me. Maybe it was ridiculous, but somehow I felt like I had a proximity with him. No matter how creepy he was, he said that he would protect me and did what he said. Maybe his revenge was more important, but he could let the man kill me if he wanted to, and get his revenge later.

Namjoon was a good person.

While my belongings were taken out of my room by the workers, the bed was the only thing which left. I took a deep breath and bent down, looked under the bed. I was surprised when saw a note, I reached out and took the paper.

"When the killer came, I was hiding right here. Like a stupid coward... The man found me, grabbed me by the collar and stuck his dagger into my heart. If I were more brave that day, if I fought, maybe I would be alive now.  Maybe my family would be alive.

Yoon Sohee, it was nice to get to know you. Do not be afraid of anything anymore. If you are always ready to fight, you will survive. Don't be the one who are hiding under the bed, but be the one who are waiting behind the door with a gun. Now that I have taken my revenge, I have no longer business here.

Hope to meet you in another life.

-Kim Namjoon"

My eyes were full with tears.  I sighed and pressed the paper against my chest. I was happy, because at least I knew he had peace.

I investigated Namjoon a little after the incident. When I saw his photographs, my mouth was left open. When he called himself a monster, he must have been talking about being a monster of handsomeness, charisma and sweetness. Moreover, what he shared on social media was very meaningful and intelligent things. I don't even mention his videos which he was doing rap, this guy was totally a work of art.

He was 22 years old when he died.  Still, I was having a hard time believing that this was the person who spoke to me while under my bed, but the voice I heard in the videos was suitible with the 10 times more creepy voice which came from under my bed.

I said damn because this boy is not living right now, I would really love to be friends with him and spend time together. Even getting married. It was an indisputable fact that he was my ideal type.

Falling in love with him after his death was the last thing I wanted. So I wouldn't look at his social media anymore. It would be harder for me to admit that he died as time went by if I was connected to him in this way.

In another life, I thought.  I hope we can be together in another life, Kim Namjoon.


Thank you for reading and commenting, hope you liked it ♡

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