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Jane pov...

I get down to the morgue with the Agent Rhodes and Agent Sawyer, I show them Hoyt's body and explain what happened. Agent Sawyer says "thank you Jane, you got Hoyt when we couldn't. We are sorry it took so long, since you called we were doing what we could on our end and found where Hoyt had been living last. There is no sign of anyone else being there and he had a book where he had trophies from victims so we can place every victim he had and give the families closure."
I nod and say "that's good news, what does this mean for me?"
Agent Rhodes says "well we have very good news there, as the agent in charge of of overseeing your case and the witness protection you have, now that Hoyt is dead for good I am able to say you are able to stop being Lindsay Boxer and go back to being Jane Rizzoli"
I say "thank you"
He nods and says "there will be some paperwork we need to sort out but then you are free to go"

We head to the conference room and complete all the paperwork or changing my records of Lindsay Boxer to Jane Rizzoli and bringing Jane back from the dead. I sign the last form making it official I can be Jane again and Hoyt will be gone forever, this nightmare is officially over.

They leave the room and I get my stuff ready to go when Tom walks in. He says " well done Lindsay, sorry Jane. I was informed by the two agents about your situation, a lot more about you makes sense now"
I smile and say "thank you Tom"
He nods and says "I understand now why you went so hard at the Kiss Me Not killer, you couldn't end up with another serial killer like Hoyt"
I nod and say "yeah and I'm sorry about our marriage, I really did love you and told you mostly the truth but then with the baby and Kiss me not we fell apart and it wasn't working. I will always love you but not in the way we started"
He smiles and says "thank you Jane, I will always love you too but it just wasn't meant to be. Now I do have to know are you staying or going back to Boston?"
I say "Back to Boston, I loved it here but miss my family and my home"
He nods and say "alright, good luck with everything and I will send your records to BPD, you can probably get your job back there."
I nod and say "thanks for everything, can you wait a few days with sending my records though I want to see them first and explain what happened"
He nods and we say our goodbyes.

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