•Chapter 4•

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~Alastor's Pov~

Me and Angel started to kill guys left and right. It wasn't enjoyable in the slightest bit. I tried to get out my anger and frustration but nothing and the longer it took, the more annoyed I became. I kept trying to tell Angel to stop but he wouldn't. I kept trying to tell him to walk away from all the fighting but he wouldn't. I kept my eye out for picture show cameras or whatever could be used to record what was happening. Luckily, this turf war was insignificant and no one wanted to cover it so I was safe. My reputation was safe.

I knew that if this went on the news and Charlie saw us being part of the turf war, she would be upset. Charlie is a very nice girl. As much as I say I'm only staying for the fun of seeing her fail, it's not entirely true. It's amusing and, dare I say, inspiring watching her get back up no matter how often she's kicked down.

I was lost in looking for Angel that I didn't notice someone coming up behind me. I have never once let my guard down this bad before since getting. What happened really has thrown me off my game.

"Alastor, watch out!"

I hear a shout from behind and before I could turn around I'm pushed onto the floor. Again, how? I've never been this... ugh before. I hit my head on the floor quite hard and my vision goes blurry for a few seconds.

By the time it clears up and I took at who pushed me, I see Angel shooting demons. Lucifer damn it all. I get up and grab his hand. I teleport away from the chaos while Angel protests me taking him. Why did I never think to do that before? I don't like being this disoriented.

After a few seconds of letting Angel adjust, I finally look at him. I glare daggers at Angel who is bent over and holding his side, presumably to not throw up.

I don't know what goes through my head at this moment but I say it with with rage. "I can't believe you! I told you to shut up and let me handle it. You just had to run your mouth and get them angry." I look at his pathetic face as he looks at me. I know what'll hurt. "You're supposed to be a slut, Angel. Sluts are good at following orders or did Valentino teach you nothing?" I scoff. "Who am I kidding. Of course he didn't. Most useless overlord to exist."

I was so mad I started speaking out of term. I purposefully  called Angel a slut and brought up Valentino. And I meant to do it. I meant to hurt him. Slut shaming is so beneath me. Especially when his soul belongs to Valentino and he had no other choice. And, sure, Angel is one but still. It was rude of me regardless. I feel bad. Why do I feel bad? I can't stand these useless feelings.

~Angel's Pov~

I wasn't paying attention to what was going on. Al teleported us and and my side was hurting. Once we got to whoever he teleported us to, I double over. I feel like throwing up. I look up and se he has turned  to look at me. He was glaring at me.

I stay there holding my side and trying not to throw up. My side was bleeding but I was trying to hide it from Alastor which was working. He started speaking to me but the first few words wouldn't register for me.

I was in too much pain to understand him. That was until he said it.

"You're supposed to be a slut Angel. Sluts are good at following orders or did Valentino teach you nothing?" He scoffs. "Who am I kidding. Of course he didn't. Most useless overlord to exist."

I just stood there frozen. Alastor kept glaring at me. I couldn't move or do anything. I was so damn scared. It reminded me of my dad and Valentino. They would both yell at me for the slightest mistake and then look at me, waiting for answer, only to hit or yell more once one was delivered. I started to shake and tear up.

I blinked the tears away as best as I could. More and more bad memories were creeping their way into my head the more Alastor just glared. Those seconds of him just glaring felt like an eternity. It's times like these that remind me that Alastor is an overlord and not just some other demon like the rest of us. He finally stopped glaring and he looks away. If he kept going, I would've broken down right then and there.

I tried my best to stop shaking so Al wouldn't notice. I looked back up at him and said "I'm sorry" Saying that was a mistake.

"Oh, you're sorry? You're sorry? Are you kidding me? After getting us into all that trouble, all you could is that you're sorry?"

Alastor sighed deeply and walked away from me. He was making his way to the hotel. I was about to follow but I couldn't move. I finally pushed passed my fears and the pain and started following Alastor.

He made his way in first obviously and then I came in after him. I ignored everyone and made my way to my room. I open my door and was greeted by a hungry Fat Nuggets.

Damnit! I forgot to feed him. I give Fat Nuggets his food then I lay in my bed. I clutch my side and start to cry. It hurts so damn bad. Not just the pain from the cut but the pain from the memories.

I try to get up to bandage myself up but I just can't. I keep crying and crying because everything just hurts. I pull out my phone and call Cherri.

"Hey, Biittttccchhh! What's up?"

I try to get my words out but I can't. All I do is cry into the phone's microphone.

"I'll be there as fast as I can."

After Cherri said that, she hung up. I curled my self up into my blankets and kept crying. Blood was getting all over my bedsheets and blanket but I didn't care. I really hope Cherri gets here fast. I need her right now.


(Woooo! This chapter is updated now and I actually have a reason for Al getting mad. Well, I had one before but this one is better. I also changed some things around and added things. What Al did was wrong but dude's just having a shit week. Still doesn't excuse what he did. Either way, I like this chapter much more now.)

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