•Chapter 15•

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~Alastor's POV~

As much as I preached death not to be an option, it was starting to look like one. Power matters not at times when you know not how to use it. This demon does know how to use it. He knows how to fight and he's very good at it. Our murder tango is starting to turn one sided in the opposite direction. Where I thought I was leading, I was wrong. I mean, I know how to fight. I taught myself how to back when I was a human and continued doing so even after death.

Now, not to say I haven't scratched him up because I have. Well, I've more than scratched him up. He has cuts lingering his body and a few stab wounds here and there that are healing much quicker than I want them to. I managed to get ahold of that angelic knife he had thrown at me earlier and have been using it against him but not for too long. The stabs that are healing fast are the ones done with my staff.

Another mistake on my end, I have no weaponry on me and my fake Spike doesn't serve as a good weapon. I have a small blade hidden in it but that was cut quickly. I had forgotten to take any weapons with me and materializing them out of thin air isn't an option. It takes too much much magic and I am already exhausted as is. I also didn't think to take any weapons with me as I usually don't need them.

I am no better in the health department, however. I'd say I'm worse off. My legs feel as if they are going to collapse on me, he got a good stab in my right arm and I can barely move it, he's scratched up my stomach, and bashed my head against a wall so there's blood running down my face, obscuring my vision. My breathing is low and shallow, my hand is gripped tightly around the angelic weapon. I discarded the fake Spike a while ago.

Just as he's about to attack, he collapsed, giving me a chance to attack. I run at him but hesitate when I see Husk behind him which caused said hesitation. That gives the demon time to regain his balance and get up. The demon tries to stand but he collapses to his knees once more. I look behind him and see a puddle of blood quickly forming by his feet.

"I slashed the back of your ankles and the back of your knees. You won't be walking anytime sooner or later." Husk says before looking at me. He looks me up and down then scoffs. He looks back and the demon is already standing. "Or not. You can always just fucking heal. That's fine. Perfect even." He says sarcastically and in an annoyed tone.

Husk is by no means a weak demon. He's a low level five demon with quite the souls under his control that I allowed him to keep even after he signed his soul away to me. I took a lot of them, however, bumping him down from his overlord status. The fight goes on for five more minutes and it ends in the random demon's death. We obviously kill the demon with its own angelic weapons. I am not down yet, however. I sit on the demon and stab it over and over again. I'm angry, emotional, frustrated, and hurt both physically and emotionally. My pride took a hit and I'm taking it out on this corpse.

I stab and stab and stab and stand and-

"Alastor!" Husk says. I stop and look at him. "That's enough... he's dead and won't be coming back since we killed him with angelic weapons... just... get up and let's go back to the hotel." He says, offering me his hand. I take it, standing up too quickly and falling against his chest. He doesn't make attempts to push me off. He just holds me. The position is rather uncomfortable as I am taller than Husk by almost a whole foot and then there's also his whole nature of slouching which makes him even shorter than me but that's okay.

He just stands there as I take shallow breaths. "Want me to carry you back? I can fly high enough that no one sees us. Can't say sky traffic won't be there, though. I don't know who's flying at this time." Husk offers. "No, thank you. My ego and pride have taken quite the hit today. I wish not for them to shatter even more." I respond. Husk nods but doesn't let me go. We make our way back to the hotel, killing any demon that sees me in such a state with the angelic weapons we acquired from the random demon we fought.

I'm lucky there are no VoxTech cameras in the area. Even if there were, I'd glitch them out but I fear that I'm not strong enough to do that in my state so I'm glad there aren't any nearby as I don't need Vox knowing about my condition. Once we make it back, it's already noon. I immediately feel my power come back to me once we're close enough to the hotel and, even then, I still collapse on my way to my room. The last thing I see is my shadow splitting and manifesting into three shadow figures that look identical to me and instantly surrounding me.

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