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The mission was a simple one, way too simple for Gajeel. Maybe if he had not spent so much time eating iron at the guildhall, he would have arrived at the guildhall when there was at least one person left.

"Tch, I've had railroads better than this," Gajeel grumbled as he tossed aside a sword.

He was supposed to return to Phantom Lord after wrecking the Fairy Tail guild but he refused to go until he had some fun. After all, he only took the job because he thought he would get to hurt some fairy scum.

Maybe he should attack some before he heads home?

Gajeel let out a deep chuckle as he walked away from the armor shop and headed to a high place to look for the damn fairy scum. There he waited and started to get irritated as night fell and there were yet to be any members to walk by.

However, right as he reached his wit's end, he saw them.

He smiled wickedly as he jumped down and hit the short girl in the middle with an iron club. The girl had turned right before he landed the hit, her big brown eyes filled with fear as they met his red eyes that brought fear to her soul.

"Levy!" The two guys next to her shouted.

"Aw, you two ruined the fun! I was just about to hear her screams!" Gajeel rasped out as he smirked as he saw them bent down next to the girl.

They dared to turn their backs to him? Oh yeah, this would be fun.

"Levy, are you okay?" The guy with the weird hair asked.

"You're going to pay!" The one with the hat shouted at Gajeel.

Gajeel smirked as the girl looked at him, pain was shown all over her face, "Jet, Droy, I'm fine. He must be the one who wrecked the guild so be careful."

So girly had a brain, too bad she did not have a body or else he might have spared her and taken her as a prize. Oh well.

"Plant Magic: Knuckle plant!" The one with the hair shouted as the other shot behind him.

"Nice try, for such weaklings," Gajeel said with a smirk.

He raised a fist and hit the one behind him with an iron fist, he easily threw him over at the plants where he got smacked down by the plants.

"Jet!" Levy shouted.

Gajeel rushed over to her and laughed to himself when he saw her shrink back.

"Solid script: Fire!"

"Iron dragon's roar!"

"Ah!" The girl screamed in pain as the hot iron hit her.

Gajeel turned to see the last one standing, he smirked before hitting him an iron sword attack. He let out a huff as he looked at the three who were out cold, he knew that the Fairy Tail wizards were weak but that was just pitiful.

A devious smile fell onto his lips when he decided how to really make a stir with those scum bags. He slung the girl over his shoulder as he grabbed the two guys by their collars and dragged them across the ground.

Where would he get the most attention?

He wandered until he got to a clearing where there was a big tree in the center. He threw the one with the hat up and produced iron clamps which he nailed down. He threw the next guy up and did the same.

Finally, the girl.

"S-solid script: Magn-"

Gajeel threw the girl at the tree, he heard the nasty smack as she hit the tree. Her sharp cry came out as he pinned her to the tree just as he had done to her weakling companions, crucifying her as well.

Fairy Tail: Solid IronWhere stories live. Discover now