Chapter Two~

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May stands outside the large wooden door near the very end of the hallway, a smug smirk twisted upon her lips. She stands outside the Home Ec class, waiting for her sister. Foot steps sound from behind her and she slowly twists around to face the approaching person, only to find that it is Sasori. He looks incredibly peeved.

"You okay?" An elegant brow lifts.

"Fine." Sasori lets out a brisk sigh. "Is this your class too?"

She nods and grins. "Cloud and I have this class together. Don't tell me you do too?"

Sasori's head dips in a slight nod. His body rocks forward abruptly and a little 'oof' bristles past his lips. Pale arms wind around his torso-koala style. Sasori smiles faintly. "Hello Cloud."

"Hi Saso-kun." She chirps, poking her head around his right arm since she's too short to rest her chin on his shoulder. "You've gotten taller."

"Well, that tends to happen, you know." May snickers.

Cloud huffs at her. "I know. I know. I just remember when I used to tower over him. I used to feel like Godzilla. You know, be all rawr and stuff."


"Yes, Sasori?"

"Will you let go of me now?"


Sasori lets out a soft sigh and closes his eyes. Cloud squeezes him tightly and then releases him, grinning widely. He shoots her a dull look and opens the door to the classroom. May chuckles, pushing through the door after him, and Cloud happily skips inside behind them. The door clicks softly shut.

"Oof!" Cloud grunts when she runs into May, who's stopped a few steps into the room. "Why'd we stop moving?"

May's eyes narrow. Deidara glares back at her icily.

Cloud pokes her head over her sister's shoulder, squinting at the other occupants of the room that are already sitting. Her eyes find Sasori, who turns down the row farthest from the door to take his seat. "Crikey!" She whispers halfheartedly, in the best Australian accent she can muster. "A wild Sasori! Look at him slink slowly through the rigorous desk jungle-his natural habitat-like a pro!."

"Cloud." Sasori sinks into his seat with grace, "I can hear you."

"Oh no! He seems to have spotted us! We'll have to rush to safe grounds before he can get to us. Sasori's are pretty feisty little boogers." Cloud gasps faintly, a sense of urgency filling her tone.

May suppresses a smile and flicks her sister's forehead.

The teacher isn't here yet. After rubbing at her forehead, Cloud skips around May and over to Sasori's row. There are several other people in the room. A strange male with blue tinted skin and black lines across his cheeks sits in the very back of the room, a bored Apple-Boy sitting elegantly behind him. Cloud blinks at the sight of him and her eyes narrow the slightest. May slides into the seat in front of Sasori and Cloud sits in front of Deidara.

"Yo, Blondie. Who put Sasori's in your pants?" Cloud twists around in her seat, crossing her legs in front of her and resting her elbows on his desk.

Deidara scowls at her. "Fuck off, Blueberry."

"Make me."

Deidara grits his teeth. Sasori shifts in his seat, clearing his throat loudly, almost in warning. May shoots him a confused look.

The bell rings loudly and Cloud jumps in her seat, almost falling out of it.

A silver haired boy with bright pink eyes snorts loudly, face twisted into a mean sneer. He sits several seats away, with the perfect view of Cloud. "Don't fucking fall now, bitch. Wouldn't want that pretty face of yours fucking hurt." He snickers.

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