The dissaperance of Alexandra Qwilt

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Anna walked to her back door and opened it to see her best friend, Natalie. "Finally! Where have you been?" Anna asked as Natalie walked inside. "Trying to find a way to sneak out. What do you need?" She replied.
"I need your help."
"With what?"
Anna paused and grabbed Natalie's hand, leading her to the front of the house. They turned the corner and stood back, eyeing all the egg yolks and shells stuck to the windows, door and garage. "What the hell hapepend?" Natalie asked, turning to Anna. Anna pushed her strawberry blonde hair behind her ears and sighed. "What do you think happened?" Natalie rolled her eyes.

"Oh my God! That was amazing! Did you see her face when she saw it?" Flora laughed as she walked along side Alexa. "I know. Now she knows to never mess with me again." Alexa laughed. "So what are you gonna do about  Micheal?" Another one of Alexas goons, Michelle asked. "I don't know. He'll come around. After all, he knows we make a good pair. The caption of the swimming team with the caption of the cheerleaders? We were meant to be."
They walked up to Floras home and hugged goodbye. As the two girls remaining were walking through the streets, Alexa felt odd. Like someone was watching her. She picked up the pace, trying to get home as fast as she could. "Woah hey, why are you walking so fast?" Michelle asked, catching up to her friend.
"I just feel weird. Like someone's here."
"Ok well that's not creepy"
"Sorry. Let's just get home."
A loud rumbling started and the girls froze, feeling the ground beneath them shake. Then, it stopped.
"What the hell was that?!" Michelle asked in a panicky voice.
"Alexa." A voice whispered. "Hello? Who's there?" The young brunettes voice was shaking. "We should get out of here." Michelle practically begged.
"Alexa. Where is she?"
"Where is who?"
"Alexa who are you talking to?" Michelle asked, looking at an empty street.
"Where is she? Where is Annabelle?"
"Annabelle?"Alexa asked. Michelle have her a look, and then Alexa heard a loud ringing and covered her ears.
"Ahhhh!" She screamed. Michelle grabbed her friend. "Alexa! What is it what's wrong?!" It seemed as though Michelle couldn't hear the loud ringing that was deafening Alexa.
"Run!" Alexa screamed. The girls took off, their heels echoing as they hit the pavement. They rounded the corner, Turing into an alley way. Alexa turned her head, and saw nothing. It was what was in front of her that made her panic. As she turned back around, she saw a person, but it wasn't quite human. It was burned from head to toe. It's teeth were razor sharp and it's eyes were black. It grabbed Alexa's throat and pushed Michelle so hard she hit the stone wall, causing her to pass out. "Michelle!" It hauled Alexa away. "No! Help! Help me! AHHHHHH!" Alexa screamed.

Anna looked up. "Did you hear that?" She asked Natalie. "Hear what?" She asked as they scraped dried egg off the front door. Anna looked around the black street. "Nothing..." she said. But it wasn't nothing. Anna heard something. And she didn't want to believe it. But deep down she knew she heard a faint scream.

"Oh damn it." Anna's mother cursed as the car came to a stop. "What are you doing we're going to be late?" Anna asked frantically. "There's a massive amount of cars lined up, must have been an accident." Mrs. Mario sighed. "Mom I have a  Social test!"
"Well I realize that honey but there isn't anything I can do about the hundreds of cars in front of us."
Anna sighed and looked out her window. Her head filled with thoughts. What if I miss the test? Can they fail me? Crap I'm overthinking it. Calm down, Anna. Calm down. Just calm down!
A loud ringing could be heard, and Anna covered her ears. She looked at her mother, who seemed to be fine. It was like she could t hear anything.
"What the hell?" Her mother's voice snapped her out of her thoughts. Anna looked at the other cars in front of her to see their alarms going off, all the lights blinking.
"What in the world?"
Anna followed her mother out of the car. Other people had also gotten out of their vehicles to see what was going on. Anna looked around and became confused. Every car for miles was going crazy...except for theirs.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2020 ⏰

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