Part 20- (19 2/2)

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"Sho-chan? Oh uh Kozume-chan hi" Tooru awkwardly cut himself off when he saw Kenma behind me. "I-uh-hi?" I was really confused as to why he was in my bed-under my covers-snuggling my teddy-scrolling through his phone with the window open. "I know about you two" Kenma spoke in his usual emotionless monotone voice. He simply released himself from my grip and went to sit on the end of my bed without a care in the world. "I- you do?"

"You both underestimate how observant I am, when you look hard enough it's obvious you're just lucky your teams are idiots" "no my team already know it's just everyone else that doesnt" for some reason that made the sinking feeling of guilt grow more at the thought of me telling a whole team before my best friend, and my own team. Not to mention Kuroo, Bokuto and Akaashi too! How could I tell people I barely know before the people I'm closest too? I'm a horrible pers- "Sho you ok?" I shook my head quickly and flicked my eyes to Tooru once he snapped me out of it. "Y-yeah".

I took a seat next to Kenma while Tooru was still wrapped up in my quilt lying on his back but slightly sat up so he could see us. "I take it you guys came to talk about the whole panic attack thing" "how did you know I had a panic attack?" "Suga talks, only to me though dw"I glared at him the turned back to Kenma placing a hand on top of his as they fidgeted awkwardly. "I'm really sorry Kenma! I should never have freaked out like that and I feel awful" he shook his head grabbing my hands firmly "I should've taken you somewhere else to talk, or texted, or not done it during practice, I shouldn't have brought up the figure skating thing so abruptly either-" "wait so he knows about that too?!"

"Basically Kenma pointed out he thought we were dating and then said he knew I skated, I freaked out and passed out and then woke up and yelled at my dads. I don't blame you at all Kenma I should never have hid it from you" "everyone's entitled to their own secrets Shoyo, but I'm glad you've forgiven me" "I was never mad in the first place, well maybe at myself but not you" "I'm glad, now I guess I'll leave you to spend some time with your boyfriend, or boyfriend-to-be I take it" "thanks Kenma, tell Suga I'm heading to bed, he'll understand since I assume he's the one that sent the guy" he nodded at both of us and waved slightly as I shut the door with a huge fake grin on my face.

I turned around with my 'cheerful' act still on and went to get in bed beside Tooru when I heard him sigh. "You can stop with the fake smile Sho-chan, you know I can tell" my face returned to its normal slight frown and sad eyes and when Tooru lifted up the quilt and opened his arms I couldn't resist diving into them.

Oikawa PoV (I don't think I've done him before)

The second the small boy crawled into my chest I knew something was wrong that he hadn't told anyone. By the sounds of Suga's text he wouldn't tell anyone why he had a panic attack and they didn't trust him alone for some reason 'which I knew was because of the cuts and stress he was under'. I pulled his chin out of my chest and gave him a closed eye smile before planting a soft, sweet kiss on his lips, "you know you can always tell me exactly how you feel. We're all worried about you but I can't help you if I don't know what goes on in that beautiful mind of yours."

He looked down again and his body began to shake, he let out a heart braking sob and clutched my shirt so tightly his knuckles went white. My arms made their way around his waist and to his back, letting him cuddle up close to me and let everything out, "shh it's ok, sometimes you just need to cry"
"I'm s-sorry" Huh why is he apologising? "It's your birthday and yet you're stuck here babysitting me and dealing with all my issues" I brushed the hair out of his face and stared into his beautiful sunset orange eyes. "Don't apologise, my birthday isn't a big deal and I'd rather spend it with you anyway. And I'm not babysitting you, if I didn't want to be here Suga could've just as easily invited Tobio-chan to stay with you tonight but he didn't because I want to be here. Don't forget you aren't the only one with problems"

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