Part 12-idrk?

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Authors note- Hinata is very rich and gets payed for everytime he skates professionally, but doesn't really have anything to spend his money on, other than clothes. He also forgets that being rich isn't normal and so he wears expensive clothing without realising he kinda seems snobby. he's innocent and naive though, not because he wants to seem rich.

Hinata's pov

The week was pretty stressful, only because i had to constantly sneak out to practice at the rink in preparation for the point scorer on Thursday. luckily, each school was given Wednesday and Thursday as free days to explore Hasetsu, so i didn't have to worry about missing a match for it. It still meant i had to sneak out of the inn everyday without the realising to perfect my skills, and id have to think of an excuse for during the point scorer too.

(the point scorer -im making this up for plot- is when some of the skaters gather at a rink and perform the first drafts of their competition routine, which is scored and the contestants are ranked which gives them a good idea of what to improve before actual competitions, and where they currently stand)

early on in the week i realised how often me and Tooru had began texted and so i changed his contact name to "boyfriend-to-be🥰" so no one knew who was messaging me. we weren't too worried about his team finding out, Hajime already knew and no one at aoba johsai had a problem with me so we werent hiding from them. my team was obviously different and so i was very secretive around them. Suga most likely wouldn't care, Tsukishima definitely wouldn't care, Noya and Tanaka might try and scare him off or disapprove of him, Kageyama would be mad as hell and Daichi could either think its fine or completely disagree and try and break us up. needless to say the majority of the team would be mad and so i didn't want to risk it by telling them. if worst comes to worst i could always transfer to Aoba Johsai, but that's an extreme.

Practice was uneventful for most of the week. after that girl was homophobic to Tooru not much else happened. we played practice matches everyday until lunch, we'd take a break to eat and then get straight back into games. It was exhausting especially with me sneaking off every night to practice for the point scorer on Thursday. Today was different though-

it was Wednesday and one of our two free days in hasetsu. i barely slept as i was texting Tooru pretty late the night before and woke up early morning due to excitement. As soon as it was an acceptable time i got out of bed, taking a quick shower and putting on some of my nicer clothes. i didn't bring anything too expensive with me but i still had some clothes in the room. i settled on a pair of black, ripped, skinny jeans with white Gucci shoes and a white Levi's t-shirt with a Tommy Hillfiger sweater over it. I wore my nicest Rolex and a few bracelets, and finally a chain necklace to bring it all together. I looked pretty good, i even wore some base makeup such as foundation and highlighter.

 I looked pretty good, i even wore some base makeup such as foundation and highlighter

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(What he wore)

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(What he wore)

i stepped out of my room grabbing my keys, wallet and phone and made my way to the reception type area for breakfast. "Hey Hinata- oh damn!" Noya yelled "you're really flexing out here bro" I looked at him confused not really understanding before suga made it more clear for me. "you forget we don't have millions to spend on clothing. i mean, Gucci? a Rolex? you're basically bragging you're rich" "OMG I DIDNT EVEN REALISE woah I'm sorry guys, i kinda forgot" in the room it was only Daichi, Suga, Noya and i so we all sat down waiting for the rest to join us.

Tanaka was next to walk in and also spotted my outfit "Woah Hinata how do you afford all that" i internally panicked as i stuttered for a response claiming "oh uh my family in Russia have a lot of money so they like to send me nice clothes. i just wanted to look nice hehe" i chuckled.

"Whats the occasion, Boke?" Kageyama asked as he too walked in the room. "i don't always need a reason, Baka. But I'm actually going on a date" i whispered the end though they all seemed to hear including the rest of the team that had then walked in. "YOU HAVE A DATE?" basically all of the yelled. "is it with that guy you said you liked but wouldn't tell us who?" i hummed and nodded looking down at my lap trying to find a change in topic. "dude, you should just tell us who .we wanna make sure they're good enough for my precious kouhai isn't that right Tanaka?!" "uh-huh, uh-huh" he nodded in response.

i shook my head and told them no, explaining once again that they wouldn't approve. "well, if we wouldn't approve then why are you dating him huh?" "we aren't dating yet, we're going on a date today and then another one when we get back to Miyagi, then he'll ask me out. and i like him because he's a nice guy, he's really sweet and super attractive, but he has a bad reputation and you'd try and convince me he's using me or try and break us up. i really like him, but you guys wouldn't." "Dont worry Hinata, these guys are just too nosy for their own good, they'll stop asking though right?" Daichi shot them a glare and they all nodded in agreement causing me to let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

We all talked for a while as we eat our breakfast for the day before my phone rung beside me
"Hey Sho-chan! I'm ready whenever you are"
"Ok I finished breakfast so I'm heading out, meet you at the place from the other night? I'm with the team right now but you know where I mean right?"
"Yep Let me make sure I look perfect and then ill head out"
"You always look perfect but I'll see you in a sec, bye"
I hung up the phone and stood up brushing off my knees. "NANA IM GOING OUT Suga can you tell dad and pops for me? I gotta go, bye guys!" I didn't even wait for a response as I grabbed my stuff, stuffing them into my pockets and ran out the door towards the park Tooru and I had met the other night. I arrived first noticing it was practically empty and dropped myself onto a bench catching my breath. My back leaned against it while I threw back my head, eyes shut and panting. Suddenly the weight of the bench shifted and I opened my eyes to see someone sat beside me. "AHH" I jolted upright met with the face of a laughing Tooru Oikawa.

"TOORU WHY DID YOU SCARE ME LIKE THAT?!" he continued giggling though it slowed "I just came to sit beside you, do you not want to go on a date with me?" He pouted at me make puppy dog eyes and I just sighed pinching my nose. "You know that's not what I meant idiot" pushing his shoulder slightly I couldn't help but crack a smile and giggle alongside him. "So, shopping?" "Doesn't look like you need it with those clothes. But yes! I wanna see you in some cute clothes" he smiled grabbed my hand and dragging me off. "The shopping centre is that way" I pointed and he dragged me off down the road.

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