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12 years ago

"Kelly Oubre Jr the father has full custody of Keilani Nathalia Oubre." The judge said and dismissed the case. That was it, I had full custody of my babygirl.
"HE CANT EVEN TAKE CARE OF HIMSELF!" Kristina yelled like a maniac. She didn't want to have Kei but I did. She's my little girl.
"Dada dada, crazy." My three year old pulled my shirt pointing at Kristina.

"I know baby, it's all over now." I kissed all over her face making her giggle. We got in my car and drove away. After a while of being a single parent, I found the love of my life, or so I thought. . .

12 years later

"Hey dad!?" I hear my daughter from upstairs.
"Yea?" I yelled back. I hear running and see her tripping on her own foot on the last step.
Clumsy ass
I laughed.
"Ahhhh" she squealed loudly making me wince.
"Omg Autumn is coming next week!" She ran around jumping on Shy.
"Okay baby calm down." Shy chuckled putting her hand on her shoulder calming her down.
"Finally I won't be a lonely looser." She jumped into the couch laying her legs on my thighs as I watched my highlights.

"Look at that nigga." She did an ugly laugh when the clip of me falling and doing push-ups came up. I scoffed and pushed her legs off me.
"Rudeeee." She glared at me before we both burst into laughter. She literally a little female me.

"Alright guys dinner is ready." My momma said. She isn't my biological mom but I love her. I never knew my actual mom.
"You need to get to bed early." Mom told dad.
He nodded eating his steak. I ate my veggies.
"I saw your duffel bag. That bitch is about to pop open." He shrugged his shoulders as I did the same.
"How many weaves you got in there." He teased.
"Bro.." I groaned sinking in my seat. We were at the mall once and I put a wing on just to fuck around but he recorded me and posted it making it go viral.
"Are we meeting Kaleb in San Diego or LA?" I asked both my parents. My little brother went ahead of us to go to SD. He's staying with Mikey.

"SD then we'll go to Hollywood if he doesn't come with Mikey to the airport." Momma said and I nodded.

"No bitch, we ARE going to San Diego THEN going to Hollywood I think." I had to explain everything to Jaylen.
"Ohhhhh. Sorry I'm slow." He chuckled.
"Yea I've known." I say going through Netflix on my tv.
"When's Autumn coming?" He asked.
"Don't worry, your girl is coming next week." I winked.
He smacked his lips,
"Mane why you do that?"
"Dude you make it obvious that you like her." I say jumping on my bed like a crackhead.

"Good night babygirl." My mom came into my room kissing my forehead.
"Night momma." I kissed her cheek.
"Bye Jaylen." She waved at my phone.
"Dude I got tea so sit next me on the plane cuz them people at school are NOSEY." I told him he nodded as he was looking at something. My door opened again seeing my dogs and my dad.
"Night princess." He kissed my forehead and I kissed his cheek as well.
"See ya later man." He told Jaylen. My little fluff balls laid ontop of my back.

"Alright I'll see you tomorrow." I say and he nodded hanging up.
I laid on my side as my little babies cuddled on my chest.

Ball Love _Mikey WilliamsWhere stories live. Discover now