Chapter 19

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Seungkwan sighed.

(Where the hell am I?) He thought as he looked around the house, which it's insides were oddly simple but pleasing to the eye. However, the loud yells of his teachers made the place seem more like a battlefield than an actual house.

"How am I supposed to eat now?!" Jeonghan whined.

"Oh shut up! It's nothing that serious!" Jihoon said. "It's not like I broke it!"

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DIDNT?!" Jeonghan held his chin. "I swear, I'll never be the same again..!"

Seungcheol groaned. "Joshua-san, can't you do something about this?" He pointed at the other two.

The younger sighed. "I'll try.." He walked over to Jeonghan and held his cheeks in place, confusing the older in the process. Joshua smiled and kissed his lips.

"There" He slightly blushed. "All better"

At this, Jeonghan's face turned as red as a tomato. As a result, he looked away embarrassed.

"I guess I feel better now.."

The older two stared at this scene with dead fish eyes. The both felt stars and flowers suddenly appear before them.

"Jihoon, smack him one more time please"


Seungkwan sighed. He watched as the other boy tried to save Jeonghan from getting a beat down from Jihoon. He sighed again. Why was he here in the first place? Supposedly, they were dragged here to talk about important matters, but instead, Jeonghan got the amazing idea of giving Jihoon a jump scare that caused the younger to smack him by accident. And now, he could possibly get smacked again.

Vernon laughed right beside him. "Sorry about dragging you here"

Seungkwan huffed. "Seriously, they're supposed to be older than me but look at them. Bickering without a stop"

"I know right" He said with a sigh. "I had even made plans with Hoshi to go to Karaoke but I guess that didn't happen"

"Without me?!" Seungkwan placed a hand to his chest. "The audacity!!"

"You had to clean the club room, not our fault" He shrugged.

Seungkwan gasped. "I thought we were friends"

"Vernon, Seungkwan, would you like something to drink?"

The both of them looked up and were met with gentle, feline eyes. Seungkwan swore he could feel his heart skip a beat.

"Don't worry about that Shua" Vernon stood up. "We'll go get them, right Seungkwan?"

"Ah..!" He said startled. "Yeah!" And followed Vernon into the kitchen.

"Who was that?!" Seungkwan asked as he watched Vernon open the fridge.

"You're asking that now?" Vernon chuckled. "I thought you would pay better attention.."

Seungkwan held his hand up. "Nope, sorry, I was busy trying to find an answer to my existence"

Vernon smiled. "His name is Joshua, he's my dad"

The older stared at him. "What?!"

"Well, you could say he kind of is" He said as he handed Seungkwan a coke. "He adopted me when I was very young, so, you could say he's my legal guardian"

"I-I see" Seungkwan opened his can. "How come you never told us?"

"I mean, Chan knows"

"Eh?!" He pouted. "Then why didn't you tell me?!"

Vernon shrugged. "You never asked"

"Once again, I thought we were friends" (But seriously,) Seungkwan thought. (Why didn't you tell me?)

Vernon chuckled. "I didn't tell you, not because I didn't want you to know, but because I didn't find it necessary to do so"

He watched the younger rummage trough the fridge. Seungkwan silently groaned. How could Vernon not tell him such a thing? The other seemed to know everything about him. From his past to his favorite food, Seungkwan told the younger everything about him. But Vernon on the other hand, was a mystery, an unknown book that needed to be opened. Seungkwan sighed. He'd have to do that later for Seungcheol had just walked in the room.

"Kids, come sit at the table please!" Seungcheol semi yelled. "The food has just been served!" The other two listened and followed the older, sitting side by side on the table that stood before them.

Jeonghan breathed in. "The reason why were gathered today, is because, like me and Joshua told you, we have some important matters to discuss"

"And those are?" Jihoon said.

Jeonghan smirked. "Yokai" At the mention of this, the others tensed.

Vernon gulped. "W-what about them?"

"Don't give me that look Vernon~" He said with a sigh. "Come forward at once and tell us what type of Yokai are you"

Vernon looked at Joshua. "Shua-!"

"It's ok" He smiled. "He knows"

"Wait wait wait!" Jihoon stood up and slammed his hands on the table. "Can someone please explain to me what the hell is going on?!"

"Hoonie, please take a seat" The younger did as told. "Jeonghan and I thought it would be better to let all the people of whom we know are Yokai introduce themselves" Joshua smiled. "But I guess the atmosphere kind of got a little tense because of the way this idiot over here started to talk about it"

"So you're telling me, you all are Yokai?!" Seungkwan gasped. "Then that means" He looked at Vernon. "That you're a Yokai?!"

"You are too?!?!"

"Now now, don't get too ahead of yourselves" Jeonghan placed his hand in his chest. "My name is Jeonghan, and I am a Kitsune" He smirked. "Pleasure to meet you"

"My name is Joshua, and I am a Bakeneko" He smiled. "This is Jihoon, an Amefurikuzo" Jihoon groaned at his introduction getting stolen.

"If we're doing this, then, my name is Seungcheol, a Gashadokuro" Seungkwan shivered at that.

"What about you Vernon?"

The younger sighed. "Do I have to?"

"It will make things easier for all of us.."

He looked away. " name is Vernon, and I'm a Mizuchi.."

"Now Seungkwanni!" The boy called turned his head to look at them, startled and overwhelmed by the sudden information given to him. "What kind of Yokai are you?"



Should he tell them? They already knew this much, so why not? A side of him, however, was scared to know their reactions. To see their looks of disgust and hatred towards a being like him. However, the sudden touch of strong hands over his made him look up.

"Don't worry" He heard Vernon say beside him. "We're all different here. There's no need to fear"

Seungkwan gulped. "Ok.."

He looked up, and with the most courageous font he could muster, he looked at the others and breathed in.

"My name is Seungkwan! And I am a Koromodako!"

[(*) Koromodako- An octopus-like Yokai that lives in the waters bordering Kyoto and Fukui.]

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