𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞 • 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭-𝐭𝐨-𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬

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Peter had been led to Prague anyways, and he was standing by the fireplace, not paying attention. "Parker. Parker." Fury snapped at him, and he jumped. "Uh, yes, sir?" Stella felt bad for the kid. Why couldn't he just enjoy his vacation?

Fury was agitated. "That thing is going to be here in a few hours. Are we boring you?" Quentin looked up from the ground, raising his eyebrows. "He's not bored. He's thinking about how you kidnapped him." Fury shot back, "He had obstacles. I removed them." Stella murmured to Quentin, "Did Fury kill someone?" Quentin repressed a laugh. "I wouldn't be surprised."

Hill looked up from the computer. "They still wont evacuate the city." Fury sighed. "Idiots. So what's the plan, Parker?" Peter stood straighter. "I will be in the cathedral tower, keeping watch for the fire monster, and when that shows up, I'll radio you guys, and then Mr. Beck and I-"

"My name is Mysterio," Quentin cut in, smiling slightly at Peter. He's so much nicer to Peter than Fury is. Peter grinned back at Quentin and corrected himself. "...Then Mysterio and I will move in." Quentin's expression became serious. "Peter, Stella, listen to me. The best hope we have, the only hope, is to stop it here, now, no matter what the cost. Maneuver it away from civilians if you can, but most important, keep it away from metal. If it gets too big, it'll draw power from the Earth's core. After that, there's no way to stop it."

Stella and Peter shared a glance, both scared about what they were about to encounter, though Stella hid it better than Peter. She kept her head held high, her face showing little expression. Peter nervously spoke, "Hey, my friends are here, and I can't help but think we're putting them in danger." Fury stood up. Uh oh. "You're worried about us hurting your friends? You, who called a drone strike on your own school tour bus?" He walked closer to the kid. "Stark gave you a multibillion dollar A.R. tactical intelligence system, and the first thing you do with it is try and blow up your friends. It's clear to me that you were not ready for this."

Fury went back to his seat and Peter looked down at the ground. Stella took a step towards him and he fast-walked his way out the door. She looked back at Quentin, who quietly said, "Let's go talk to him." Stella smiled a little and followed him out the door.


They got to the top of the building, Stella by the stairs and Quentin by flying, and saw Peter sitting on the edge, looking down at the city below. He looked up when he saw the two. Quentin spoke first, his fishbowl helmet somewhat distracting Stella. "Fury asked me to come up here and see how you were doing. He just... he felt bad about snapping at you." Peter was confused. "Really?" Quentin chuckled. "You guys do have sarcasm on this Earth, right?"

Peter looked down. Stella sat by him, swinging her legs over the railing. "How you feeling?" Peter glanced up at her. "Uh... I didn't think I was gonna have to save the world this summer. I know that makes me sound like a jerk. I just... I had this plan with this girl that I really like, and... and now it's all ruined."

Stella murmured, "You're not a jerk, Peter." Quentin floated to the other side of Peter, his fishbowl helmet disappearing. "Yeah, you're not a jerk for wanting a normal life, kid. It's a hard path." He looked out at the city. "You see things. You do things. You make choices. People look up to you... and even if you win a battle, sometimes they die." Stella remembered his backstory and looked down at her feet, swinging them back and forth. Quentin continued, "I like you, Peter. You're a good kid. There's a part of me that wants me to tell you, just... turn around, run away from all this. Then there's another part of me that knows what we're about to fight, what's at stake, and I'm glad you're here." Peter smiled a little. "Me too."

Quentin looked back at him. "But you're worried about your friends."

"Yeah. I just always feel like I'm putting them in danger."

"Look, just get them inside and keep them in a safe place for just a few hours. They'll be alright."

Peter sighed. "It's really nice to have people to talk to about superhero stuff, you know?" Stella put her hand on Peter's shoulder and Quentin said, "Anytime." Stella added jokingly, "And, hey, if we survive this, you'll have all summer to kill Brad." Peter laughed a little and Quentin smiled at both of them. Peter pushed himself up off the railing and said, "See you guys out there." The other two watched as he jumped down from the roof and landed gracefully on his feet. "I forgot he could do that," Stella admitted. Quentin laughed. "I almost did, too."

Stella shyly glanced at Quentin. "That's really nice, what you said to him." Quentin smiled, but his eyes were still trained on the ground many feet below them. "Well, he's worried. All of us are." Stella still had the nagging feeling that she knew him, but she didn't know why. His voice, his mannerisms, his eyes... No. Shut up. She just hoped he couldn't read minds. She glanced at him through the corner of her eye, just as he looked up at her. "Are you okay?" Stella turned to him. "Ah, yeah, I just... you look familiar." Quentin tilted his head. "I haven't been to your Earth before now, and I assume you haven't been to mine." Stella slumped her shoulders. "No, no, I haven't." She gave up on it.

Except she didn't.

Why do I think I know him? He's from another Earth. I haven't even- Quentin interrupted her thoughts (about him) by saying, "You've never done something like this before, right?" Stella snapped her head up. "Huh? Um, no, I haven't." Quentin moved closer to her, filling the spot where Peter had been seated. "Why not? Fury said you worked for an Avenger, and we heard about them even on our Earth." Stella shrugged. "I- I don't know. I didn't exactly want to be one. They were all so heroic, and I'm... not. They're independent and I still have to ask my sister to help me out sometimes." Quentin watched her intently through his blue eyes. "They weren't perfect. Besides, you're great. This is a big threat, and I couldn't beat it alone, but we can beat it. Together."

Stella's dark eyes met his. STOP MAKING ME LIKE YOU. She softly smiled, covering up her uncertain feelings. "Thanks. You're pretty great yourself, Quentin." His lips curled into a crooked smile, then he stood. "We should get back before Fury comes looking for us." Quentin held out his hand to help Stella up. She felt her heart beating in her throat as she placed her hand in his and he gently pulled her to her feet. They both hesitated for a moment, then Quentin's fishbowl helmet surrounded his head and he wordlessly floated to the ground. Stella stayed on the top of the building for a little longer, alone with her thoughts, before going back downstairs.



she likey him

do he likey her?👀

oml i'm so childish-

𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘶𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 ➝ 𝘲.𝘣.Where stories live. Discover now