𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 • 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬

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Stella had arrived to Venice about three hours ago, when Fury had explained what was going on, and she was already on a boat with Fury and Spider-Man. His real name was Peter. He was very polite, calling Fury "Mr. Fury" and Stella "Ma'am" (though she'd insisted he called her Stella). Peter and Fury were talking at the front of the boat, and at one point Fury handed Peter a small box with a marble pattern. "Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown," Fury quoted the Shakespearean line, looking up at Peter. "Stark said you wouldn't get that because it's not a Star Wars reference." He let out a small laugh at his own comment. Stella craned her neck slightly to see what was in the box and her jaw dropped slightly. In Peter's hands were the glasses once worn by the legend himself, Tony Stark.

Stella had worked for Stark a while back. They hadn't gotten along very well, so she'd resigned and found work elsewhere. She'd learned of his sacrifice for the universe soon after she'd reappeared.

Peter closed the box, keeping his head down the rest of the ride. They reached their destination and walked into a dark, stone-walled area with an odd greenish hue illuminating it. Stella and Peter took in their new surroundings, trailing behind Fury. "You can lose the mask," he told Peter. "Everyone here has seen you without it. You'd be feigning anonymity and breathing through spandex for no good reason."

Peter pulled off his mask and let out a sigh, clearly relieved to be able to breathe. Stella realized he was young, though she could tell by his voice, but based by his looks he probably wasn't a day over seventeen. He paused, glancing around, before Fury beckoned to both of them. "C'mon." They began following Fury again as he introduced them to everyone. "Over there, we have Maria Hill..." he gestured towards a dark-haired woman at a computer, "...that is Dmitri..." he nodded towards a man with a large gun in his hands. "And this is Mr. Beck."

A man with a burgundy and electric blue cape glanced over his shoulder at them. Wow, he's majestic. Stella's eyebrows knitted together. Wait, why does he look so familiar? "Mysterio?" Peter breathed out, somewhat in awe. Beck turned around, one of his eyebrows raising slightly. "What?" Peter stepped a little closer. "Doesn't matter. It's just what my friends have been calling you." Beck smiled at him kindly, also walking up to him. "Well, you can call me Quentin." The two shook hands. "You handled yourself well out there today. I saw what you did with the tower."

Quentin turned to Stella, his smile faltering for a split second before returning. He reached out and shook her hand. "Hi, what's your name?" Even his voice sounds familiar. "I'm Stella. Have... have we met?" Quentin flashed a bright smile at her, but he still looked a little nervous. "No, I- I don't think so. Unless you've traveled to my world." Stella scrunched up her nose slightly. "Oh." His words sunk in and she and Peter both said, "Your world?"

Fury walked out from the shadows. "Mr. Beck is from Earth. Just not yours." Huh, I guess I don't know him. Quentin began explaining what he meant. "There are multiple realities. This is Earth Dimension 616. I'm from Earth 833." Peter's brown eyes lit up and he walked towards Quentin. "I'm sorry, you're saying there's a multiverse? I thought that was just theoretical! That changes how we understand the initial singularity! We're talking about an eternal inflation system, and how does that even work with all the quantum...?" He turned to Fury and Hill. "It's insane!" He trailed off when they shot him an annoyed glare. "S-Sorry. It's... really cool."

Stella frowned. "Don't be sorry. It is pretty cool." Peter sheepishly turned back to Quentin and Stella. Quentin softly smiled at the young genius. "Don't ever apologize for being the smartest one in the room." A grin lit up Peter's face. Stella glanced at Quentin. That's a nice thing to say.

Fury and Hill obviously thought otherwise.

"Anyways..." Hill changed the subject, clicking a button that pulled up a hologram of a galaxy. Quentin looked up at it. "They were born in stable orbits within black holes. Creatures formed from the primary elements: air, water, fire, earth. The Science Division had a technical name. We just called them Elementals." Hill broke in, "Versions of them exist across our mythologies." Quentin glanced at her. "Turns out the myths are real."

Stella stared at the images popping up in front of her. "Like Thor." Peter glanced up. "Yeah. Thor was a myth, now I study him in physics class." Fury walked up beside them. "These myths are threats."

Quentin watched the hologram change to his Earth, slowly spinning in front of him. "They first materialized on my Earth many years ago. We mobilized and fought them, but with each battle, they grew, got stronger. I was part of the last battalion left trying to stop them. All we did was delay the inevitable." As an orange light overtook part of the Earth hologram in front of them, Quentin looked down at the ground. Oh man. That's so awful. Stella watched Quentin, who seemed deep in thought. I swear, he looks so familiar. Maybe there's people that look the same in every dimension. I wonder what other dimension me is like?

Hill continued, "The Elementals are here now, attacking the same coordinates. Our satellites confirm it." Fury sat down at the computed desk. "Thank Mr. Beck for destroying the other three. There's only one left: fire." Quentin kept his blue eyes trained on the ground, but he quietly said, "The strongest of them all. The one that destroyed my Earth." As the hologram began falling apart, he closed his eyes. "It's the one that took my family."

Stella and Peter glanced at his hands. He was tracing a finger along the golden ring on his left hand. Peter murmured, "I'm sorry." Stella nodded. "Yeah, me too." Quentin painfully smiled at them. "Don't be. At least I'm getting a chance to avenge them."

Hill remained stone-faced. "It will be in Prague in approximately 48 hours." Fury turned to Stella and Peter. "We have one mission: kill it. And you're coming with us." Stella widened her dark eyes. Why me? Peter looked anxious. "I'm sorry, did- did you say Prague? Mr. Fury, this all seems like big-time, you know, huge superhero kind of stuff, and I'm just... a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, sir." Fury rolled his eyes. "B****, please. You've been to space." Stella snorted, attempting to repress her laugh, and Quentin was fighting off a smile. Peter walked around the table with the holograms. "I know, but that was an accident! Sir, come on, there's gotta be someone else you can use. Uh, what about Thor?"


"Okay, um, Dr. Strange?"

"Unavailable," Hill chimed in.

"Captain Marvel?"

"Don't invoke her name."

So that's why Fury called us. We're the only ones available. Stella looked down at the ground. Peter sighed. "Sir, look, I wanna help. I do. But if my aunt finds out I left my class trip, she's gonna kill me, and if I'm seen in Europe after the Washington Monument, my whole class will figure out who I am, then... then the whole world will figure out who I am, and then I'm done."

Fury paused for a moment. "Okay. I understand." Peter was surprised. To be honest, Stella was, too. "I'm sorry, what?" Fury still showed no emotion- not that he ever did- when he deadpanned, "Why don't you get back before your teachers miss you and become suspicious. Dmitri." The bearded, somewhat frightening man stood as Fury continued, "Take him back to the hotel, please." Dmitri nodded and beckoned for Peter to follow.

Peter glanced back at Fury, still kind of surprised he was letting him leave. "Thank you, Mr. Fury. And, uh, good luck." He started towards the exit, passing by Quentin and Stella as he walked. Quentin said, "See you, kid." Peter hesitated for a moment. "Yeah, see you. Bye, Miss Fiertwist." Stella smiled at him. "Bye, Peter." The kid walked out and Fury eyed Stella suspiciously. "You're not leaving too, are you?" She shrugged. "Where else would I go? It's not like I live in Venice. Oh, yeah, why did you want me here? I'm not an Avenger or anything." Quentin answered for Fury. "You don't have to be an Avenger to be a hero. Fury's told me about your powers. We could really use your help." Stella looked at him. "But I've never done anything like this before." Quentin smiled. "There's a first time for everything."


i saw a tweet earlier this week and it said:

"spider man, spider man

does whatever a spider can

everything's, going dark

i don't feel good mr. stark

oh nooo

there went the spider-man"

it is the wORST THING I'VE SEEN ALL WEEK so yes i had to share >:)

hope u liked this dumb update, i noticed it's mainly just the movie scene but i added stella so it's kinda not mine?? akskskskk oh well-

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