chapter 1: unknown world

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Y/N pov

I walked down the dusty roads from town to town looking in any cars for bullets and other utilities when D06 beeped at me. I look towards him staring at his red light. "*xzzzxz* bunker (redacted) 1.6 km NE *zzzzxx*", D06 said. "Good callout", I say walking north east into the forest while D06 leads.

After around 25 minutes I hear large thumps. I see a large clearing and see a prototype class tank walking in an open field. "hmmm, what is our chance?" I ask looking through my binoculars. "*xzxzzz* chances of survival... 49 percent *zxxzzz*" D06 estimated. I pull out my hunting rifle and aimed at the poking out gas canister. "What about now?" I asked shooting the canister exploding the backside of the prototype type tank. "*xzzzxz* chances of survival... 72 percent *zxzxzz*" ,D06 spoke out getting ready for combat.

The tank turned around spotting D06 and I then it's light turned red. I run to the left while D06 runs right as the tank fires at us. The shells explode right behind me which annoyed me. I chucked a flare behind me and aimed once more hitting the joints of the tank's cannon. D06 ran around the prototype tank firing at any unarmored parts. After around 2 minutes the tank fell giving me a chance to breath.

D06 ran up to me then said, "*xxzzzz* hunters and runners are enclosing on our location 3 minutes till arrival. *xzzzzx*" "good copy", I say looking to the barn. I dash across the wheat field and open the door of the barn. After D06 got in I closed the door behind me trapping us in the barn. I sit down to think while D06 scanned for any enemies.

"*xzzzxz* bunker found *zzxxzz*", D06 said staring at a patch of dirt and hay. I walk over and kick the dirt uncovering the edge of a hatch. I kick some more finding the handle. I try to lift it but was unsuccessful. "*huff* D06... lift", I say as I stand back catching my breath in my gas mask. D06 wraps his leg on the handle and lifts it up. I crawl under the metal hatch then turned on my flashlight to the dark. I find a lever so I pull it up. The hatch raises up letting D06 in. "*xzxzzz* nightvision on *zxzzxz*", D06 says as we walk through the hall.

I open another door to reveal some metal sphere with wires coming out of the top. I then go to the computer and turn it on. "Strange... why does this machine have power?", I ask myself looking to the documents by it. When I grab the folder the machine sparked alive. I took out my pistol as D06 gets ready to shoot. I blinked for a second and end up in a forest.

"What the hell?" I say as I look around. "D06 where are we?" I ask my runner companion. "*xzzxzz* triangulating........ unknown there are no satellites *xzzzxz*", D06 said which surprised me."how is that possible? Earth has hundreds of satellites", I say looking to the blue skies. "Wait, wasn't it in the middle of the night when we entered the bunker?" I ask. "*zzxzxz* yes *xzzzzx*", D06 says confirming me.

"Then how is it day?" I ask. I didn't get an answer from D06 so I got a little nervous until he finally spoke. "*zxxzzz* teleportation is the only logical answer *zzxzxz*" D06 said. It made sense but still it is unsettling that we were just teleported without any warning.

"*zxzxzz* hostile animals approaching *xzzzxz*", D06 said. I look around and see some weird wolves with bone armor and red eyes dashing towards me.

I duck under the monster's claws then shoot the thing in the throat twice killing it. D06 shot the other beast killing it. "Let's get moving, we need to get out of here", I say running from the strange animals. D06 followed then shot a gas bomb behind us to get away easier. Both D06 and I ran till we ran to a cliff side. "Damn,... D06 extension", I say as D06 starts climbing up. I was now alone as the wolves started closing in. I shot a few times ending one of the wolves. I was reloading when one of the wolves bit at my arm. I screamed then took out my shotgun. I blasted the monster away then shot the next one. I got clawed in the back making me wince in pain. I turned around then blew the face off the wolf.

A cord fell down the cliff so I put away my shotgun. I ran to the cord picking up my dropped pistol and putting it in my holster. I jumped on the cord as it started going up the cliff. I didn't have any free hands so I just hung there until I could see the top. I climbed up to see D06 pull in the cord fully. I took out a health kit and rip it open with D06's help. I grabbed the tube of disinfectant and covered my arm and shoulder blade in it. "*wince* grrmmmm, I hate the burning feel", I say as I cover my arm wound in gauze. I then start walking slowly as I was exhausted.

"Hello sir", A man said behind me surprising both me and D06. D06 pulled out his weapon but I stopped him. I look to the man with white hair then ask, "who are you?" "I am Ozpin the headmaster of beacon. If you don't mind what is your name?" Ozpin spoke up. "...Y/N", I say simply.

Ozpin started walking towards me then said, "what an amazing robot you have, though I wonder... why didn't you're aura heal you?" "What's an aura?" I ask getting confused.

"So you're not from here... say why not join me at beacon. We could use someone to make defenses", Ozpin suggested. "Do I even have a choice?" I ask. "Not from what I'm guessing", Ozpin says.

"Fine, I'll join your academy", I say sighing.

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