Dinner Disaster

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Chapter 19, Dinner Disaster

I got home and my dog jumped up and licked me I looked at him, I started tearing up he reminded me of Karaoke. I was staring down at him. He looked at me like what was wrong. He turned his brown hairy head sideways. My mom and dad came in with groceries. I looked at them, then I ran up to my room and did a face plant on my bed. I cried and cried. I asked myself, why was so connected with Fire. He was always a hundred percent truthful he rescued me, he defended me, he gave me shelter, he gave me food, and he gave me hope in life. I said to myself. I started balling my eyes out. I yelled and now he is gone. I hope Kung Jay doesn't kill him. I thought to myself. I heard my mom and dad talking downstairs from the hollow house.

"What has gotten in to her?" my mom said.

"Why is Fire so important?" My dad said.

"Fire has corrupted her." My mom said.

"I know, he has turned her into a psychopath." My dad said.

"Should we take her back to Dr. Popwagon?" My mom said.

"Yes, let's get another appointment." My dad agreed.

I took a pencil I have on my desk and broke it in two. The pencil acted as if it represented my anger snapping.

"Dinner!" My mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

I stomped down the stairs. "Ugh" I yelled loudly.

My dog followed me to the table. I pulled out a chair and sat down. I picked up my dinner fork furiously and stabbed it into the chicken. I pulled it on my plate. My mom and dad cleared their throats. They looked at me like I was crazy. I clinched up my mouth. My mom and dad looked at me.

"Uh... we were thinking..." they said.

I yelled across the table I stood up and threw my fork down. " I know what you were freaking thinking I am not stupid you are going to bring me back to that Popwagon guy aren't you!" I heard all about it from upstairs I am not deaf. I was breathing heavily. Like a rhino released from a cage.

My dad stood up and started yelling "That is no way to talk to your parents!"

My mom stood up pushing us back down, "let's just have a nice dinner." She said. 

No! My dad interrupted, after dinner you march to your room and stay there the whole night.

That is not necessary my mom said, "we just got our little Claire back, be nice."

I looked down at my plate of food and I kept eating furiously.

The rest of the dinner was quiet and my dad and I glaring at each other.

Dinner was over and I was as said I marched up stairs and went to my room, my dog followed.

My dad called the dog back down and he came.

I slammed the door. Which made pictures on my door fall.

I screwed up big time I said to myself. No they screwed up yelling at me like that. It was about 8:30pm and I was at war with myself.

I was looking out the window and staring at the trees in my front yard. That's when I got a weird feeling that something bad was going to happen tomorrow. 

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