A Dragon Can't Leave its Empire

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Chapter 8, A Dragon Can't Leave Its Empire

Fire gave me a serious look and said, “Claire, as much as I want to, I can’t.”

“Why” I asked him.                                                                                                                                                        

The people up there are scared of dragons, they think they are monsters, and if they see me with you, they would kill me. Also, I have to get permission from our ruler, Kung Jay Mun.  And I don’t know what he would say, he may kill you, Claire, and “I don’t want that to happen.” he said while hovering in the air.

“Ok I understand.” I said to him. I was persistent though, “Can we please try?” I asked.

Fire sighed, “If you want to.”

I know I should not try to persuade Fire to do it because I felt bad.

We heard a scream of another creature. “Ruff ruff” it howled.

I was scared. “Fire, what we are going to do?”

“Well, let’s help it.” Fire responded.

We approached the creature with caution. It had a brown back, and yellow copper eyes that glowed. Its fur on its stomach was muddy and had some lava on it. It was tangled in a green grape vine. It whimpered.

“Help me” it pleaded.

Fire and I grabbed the grape vine and Fire took the pointy end of his tail and swiped it at the grape vine, it broke its grip on the poor little creature. We then pulled him out.

“Are you ok?” I asked.

He whimpered, “Yeah, I am ok”, “thank you so much for saving me.”

It looked at me with big brown eyes and stared up at me. “I am Karaoke, the little hell hound pup.” “I lost my pack when this vine thing grabbed me.”

“Awe.” I said. “We will help you find your pack,”

"I don’t think you would want to do that my pack hates outsiders they only like hell hounds, they would kill you.” Karaoke said.

“Does everyone here want to kill me?” I exclaimed.

“No we don’t want to kill you.” Fire and Karaoke said at the same time.

“Uh yeah of course you don’t you guys are my friends.” “Want to stick around with us Karaoke?” I said.

“No I can’t I got my own pack to deal with.” He ran off.

“Don’t ever mess with a hell hound pack they are viscous.” “Never try to friend them.” Fire said.

Fire and I hiked to the city. I was on his back at all times and we marched to the Necropolis city.  The Buildings were lit up. It was a horrible sight to see.

“You really are persistent with this?” He said.

“I am sorry.” “I just want to see what Kung Jay Mun looks like.”

Fire sighs. “Uh ok.” “You know if you didn’t have me on your side you would have died already.” “The hell hounds and evil dragons would’ve eaten you up.” “So I suggest you trust me I helped you when you first came down here. .”Let’s head back to the nest I have a feeling if we go something bad will happen to you.” He turns around and heads back. I followed cautiously, to make sure no one saw me. 

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