Believe Me

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Chapter 10 Believe me

I knew I had to save Fire some way. So I ran to the middle volcano and started digging my nails into it. I was slipping and it was just the beginning. My feet were hurting and my hands felt like stone. Even though I’ve only known Fire for such a short time. I was determined to save him. I was climbing up. Just when I thought I was about to break my fingers, I heard howling. It was Karaoke again, he came up to me.

“It looks like you got yourself in a bind again. So this time I will help you.” Karaoke said.

Now Karaoke was a big pup, big enough so that I could ride on him.

He turned sideways and knelt down. He was signaling for me to climb on his back. I climbed on.

“Hold on tight to my fur.” He said.

I grabbed his fur firmly and held on. I could feel the wind blowing and it felt like I was going a million miles an hour. He growled as he held on to the volcano.

“I never knew dogs could climb.” I commented.

“Yeah.” He panted. “We hell hounds do a pretty good job of climbing.”

I remembered when Fire warned me about be friending a hell hound. So I asked Karaoke. “Fire said you guys are not friendly, why is that?”

Karaoke was still panting and running up the volcano. “Dragons and hell hounds have always hated each other. One time I did attack Fire because he stole my prey. We are also jokers and we play around, dragons hate that.”

“Oh ok.” I said. “Is there any other type of creatures in this world?”

“Yes tons.” Karaoke responded. “I am running out of breath so please stop talking.”

I listened to him. I saw the rim of the volcano approaching. I kind of freaked out. Karaoke dumped me off his back. I looked down in shock. I turned around and looked at him.

“Go on.” He said waving his paw.

I gulped. Then I felt a hard push to my back and before I knew it I was falling down. While I was falling tons of things rushed into my mind. Like, what if Fire was lying to me and this would burn me? Why did Karaoke push me? Then all of the sudden the volcano pushed me up and a portal opened. I flew through it and landed on the ground of my world, by the tree, pretty hard. Everything went black and I fainted because of the impact on the ground.

I heard a siren and I awoke. I was in an ambulance and my parents were sitting in a chair beside me. They turned and looked at me after I opened my eyes.

“Are you ok?” My mom said, panicking. “We couldn’t find you for two days.”

“Yes I am fine.” I responded.

“They said a teacher at school found you by a tree unconscious.” Dad said.

“Oh.” “Wait Mom and Dad.” I yelled. “You have to help Fire.”

“Um… Sweetie, who is Fire.” She said with a slight chuckle.

“He is a dragon, and he helped me get to safety after I went through the portal by the tree.” I said.

“Um… what are you talking about?” My dad exclaimed.

I sat up. “Follow me.” My dad pushed me back on the bed.

“It was a dream calm down.” My dad said.

“No it wasn’t.” I exclaimed. “I met a dragon named Fire and a hell hound pup named Karaoke.”

“Nurse!” My dad yelled.

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