Descending to the Necropolis

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Chapter 12, Meeting Kung Jay Mun

I finally got to where the dragon guards were. I just sprinted past them into the castle, they yelled Hey! And chased after me I ran up the red stone stairs. At the moment I was trying to get away from them and find Fire. I finally felt there thick claws grab me and pull me back. They weren’t even scared of me I was struggling and trying to get away. I was screaming help me. Then finally they just took me into this room. I saw a banner and a throne below sitting in the throne right before my eyes was, Kung Jay Mun. I gasped.

Ha ha ha ha, Human you really fell right into my trap didn’t you? Said Kung Jay.

Let Fire go I said while screaming.

I am not going to let him go that easy. He said while pulling the blanket to cover the cage down.

Fire was crying with his head down, his wing was hurt and he had a black collar around his neck.

Kung Jay bared his teeth. You don’t want him to suffer like the other dragons I caught do you?

Kung Jay I screamed, Let him go, I said while struggling. Fire! I yelled are you o…

The dragon guard took his ruff hand and covered my mouth. I was screaming and kicking and trying to mumble a word out. Fire looked down at me then he yelled.

Let her go he said while putting his hands up against the bars of the cage.

I was still mumbling and screaming. The guards took their hand off my mouth I was breathing heavy then they grabbed me and threw me to the ground very hard. I groaned, ouch I had some scrapes on me and a cut on my face from scraping against the hard rock.

Stop it you’re hurting her! Fire yelled.

I groaned.

They picked me up by my shirt and I heard them lower the cage down and I heard it hit the floor, they pointed a Taser at Fire and he backed up, then they opened the door and threw me in. Fire automatically ran over to me crying he wiped my tears away with his wing, then he hugs me.

Are you ok? He asked.

I am fine I said whimpering just hurt. Your more hurt than me I said, you have a broken wing.

Silence! I hear one of the dragon guards yell.

They all walked out of the room. I whimpered why does he do this to us? I asked Fire.

He just looked at me, well I will tell you how he got so evil. In his childhood, he was curious about the humans and he went up to see them and they burned his wings roped him and shot arrows at him trying to kill him, then they put him in a cage. He finally escaped and went back down to the necropolis. He was in a line of kings his mother and father disappeared and he had to take the throne, he hated everything after that he hated humans, and he hated dragons because he was bullied by them in his childhood, he became a dictator and killed dragons and one day he hopes to torture a human like they tortured him.

Oh that is kind of sad I said.

Yeah I agree Fire said now how are we going to get out of here?

I don’t know I said.

I started crying I wish I knew we were both safe I said. I don’t know what is going to happen to us I hope he will let us go.

It’s rare he will do that, we might as well just give up... we are caught for good... Fire said with no feeling.

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