09 | confirmation of feelings

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" i'll catch you one. "

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Feet rocking back and forth, Sihyun cannot help the giggle that often made its way out of her lips. Excitement was an understatement. Adrenaline was coursing through her veins, her blood waking up her brain. She didn't get why her heart was pounding against her chair tremendously but she liked it.

Jacob's going to be out at any moment, and she continuously adjusts her attire, tucking loose strands of hair behind her ear femininely and checking her appearance from the reflection on her phone. She hopes that throughout the hang out, she'll look at the very least—average.

"Hey," She hears as she whips her head towards the voice, a broad smile making its way up her lips when she meets eyes with Jacob, "Have you been waiting long?" He pipes endearingly whilst approaching her. She shakes her head, "Not really."

Grinning, he nods, "Okay. Then shall we go?" Sihyun feels her heart hammering against her chest when he smiles at her sweetly. "Y-Yeah." She manages to stammer out nervously. How can he have such an impact on her? It's so insane.

"Where should we go?" He asks, with both hands tucked into his pockets. Sihyun hums in response, "Well, are you hungry?"

Jacob ponders for a while before speaking, "Not really, more of thirsty? Should we go to that café in front?" Her smile falters a little when she notices his finger pointing at a café. To be specific, the café Sunwoo and her go to together all the time.

The girl rubs the back of her neck awkwardly, "Uh, I c-can't consume caffeine in the afternoon. I won't be able to fall asleep at night." Was it a lie? She doesn't know but it just didn't sit right with her that she was
going to a café with someone who wasn't her best friend.

"Oh," Is all Jacob says, "Then, milkshake? There's a super popular milkshake store up in the front." Relieving a sigh, she manages to crack a stiff smile before nodding.


"You're good at playing basketball." Sihyun says, smile large.

Jacob chuckles shyly, scrunching his nose in embarrassment, "Not that good." The girl gasps, "Not that good? You scored every shot!" She exclaims loudly, causing attention from around to fall on them. Realising that she was over excited, Sihyun clears her throat, "I mean, you didn't miss any shots so that's considered good."

Stifling a laugh, the Canadian ruffles her hair, "It's not actual basketball Sihyun."

The lass freezes in her spot, heart steady like a drummer. It's like she can hear each thundering pound echo in her ear. She's sure heat was growing in her cheeks as she swallows nervously, fingers tucking at the hem of her school skirt.

"What's wrong?" Jacob pipes worriedly, brows furrowing when noticing her sudden quiet form, causing her to snap back into reality as she shakes her head repeatedly, avoiding eye-contact. "N-Nothing's wrong." She laughs awkwardly, hands cupping her own cheeks in embarrassment.

Chuckling, the Canadian nods, "Let's go there." He points at the claw machine. Sihyun stares at him in confusion before agreeing hesitantly.

"Are you catching one for me like those boyfriends do in dramas?" The lass teases upon reaching the front of the machine. Jacob shrugs, "Maybe? Do you want one?" He grins slyly. Sihyun feels blood rush up to her cheeks, "W-What?" She stammer, turning flustered.

"I'll catch you one. We have a token left anyways." He simply says. Before she can say anything else, he inserts the token into the machine and starts moving the claw around.


By the time the both of them had ended their fun session at the arcade, the sun had set and the sky was a pretty yellow-orange that one would be able to paint onto a canvas drawing.

"You seem to like Ice Bear a lot." Jacob giggles, watching the girl stare lovingly at the cute plushie. Sihyun nods a little too excitedly, "Yeah I do! He's cute, don't you think?" She pipes like a kid, head tilting to the side.

His heart practically melts at the innocent expression she held. His hand itches to pat her head like he did before but he manages to stop himself and answers, "Yeah, he's cute."

Beaming brightly at him, she points at a building in front, "Oh, that's my place," She says, "Thanks for today, Jacob. And for this." She lifts the bear up with cute grin, shaking it gently with pure happiness.  The latter smiles, "No problem. I had fun too." There is a moment of silence before Sihyun speaks up again.

"Uh, I'll treat you to something next time we hang out!" She laughs awkwardly then pausing when realising what she had just said, "I–I mean not that we'll hang out again–I just, I mean—" She groans in frustration, causing the other to chuckle.

"I don't mind hanging out again. Perhaps you can treat me to a meal next time?" Jacob probes softly, as if teasing. The girl smiles shyly, scratching her neck with a nod, "Okay."

"Well, I guess this is good night." She says lowly after a while as the male nods in disappointment, "Yeah... Good night Sihyun." He murmurs quietly albeit with a disheartened grin.

Sihyun reluctantly drags her feet back into her apartment building and slowly disappears behind the door and out of Jacob's sight.

The moment Sihyun is back in her room, she falls back onto her bed and squeals. Immediately grabbing onto her phone, she presses onto a contact before placing it beside her ear.

"Sunwoo! I think I really like Jacob!"

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bxksbsks i'm sorry i took so long to update! i've been crazy busy and lately, my mental health somehow worsened:/

i hope this chapter is alright...


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