04 | her happiness

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" i just think he's cute and that's it. "

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Judging by the silly smile Sihyun held on her face, Sunwoo can immediately infer from that that she was thinking of Jacob from earlier. He cannot resist the urge to snap her back from reality because one will call him a dead-set liar if he said he wasn't jealous.

He snaps his finger in her face, "Yah!" She flinches, immediately sending a glare towards his direction, "What was that for?!" The girl barks. Sunwoo rolls his eyes, "You're so out of it! Why? Because of that senior?" He sasses sarcastically, making her frown, "He's not 'that' senior! His name is Jacob."

"Yeah yeah whatever. I don't care about his name," He waves it off , "Just telling you, if you're gonna crush on him or whatsoever, don't! He's a senior graduating this year, you won't stand a chance." Sihyun smacks the red-haired's head jokingly causing him to wince as he rubs at the spot that he's sure was gonna bruise.

The lass crosses her arms, leaning back in her seat as she denies her best friend's claim, "I am not crushing on him. I just think he's cute and that's it."

"Yeah right." Sunwoo mocks her.

The both of them bicker for almost 2 full minutes until one of their classmates interrupt, "Uh Sihyun?" The said girl snaps her head towards the barely audible voice whose owner was Song Jiho, the quiet girl that sat at the front of her Biology class.

Jiho adjusts her spectacles awkwardly, eyes fixated only on the other girl and somehow avoiding the boy who sits beside her. "Th-The list for the new band club members are out. I heard you signed up so you might want to check it out."

Sihyun's eyes nearly pop out of its sockets as she jumps up, "Really?! Okay! Thanks Jiho!" And before Sunwoo can even call after her, she's out of the classroom and wending down the hallways to the noticeboard.

With a sigh, he plops back down in his seat, totally forgetting about the presence of the girl who shifted in her position. Then she speaks, "Uhm Sunwoo," The latter turns to her, no sort of expression on his face, "About Sihyun..."

The name causes his face to harden, the overprotectiveness naturally coming out. He utters warily, "What about her?"

Despite the hesitation that constantly poked in her mind, Jiho stammers out, "D-Do you perhaps...l-like her?"


"Kim Sunwoo! I got in!"

The latter watches Sihyun bounce over to him with a beaming face. He can't help grinning back at her, "See? Told ya you'd do fine." It's like he says that line all the time that even she can just roll her eyes and shrug it off.

She shoves a piece of paper in his face, causing him to groan in annoyance, "Don't shove it in my face!" He snarls as she giggles, "Sorry, but look! I got my official schedule." She can't resist the excitement flowing through her blood as she hops around, watching Sunwoo take the piece of paper and analyze it.

"Damn that's tough. Oh you got into the vocal team, like you wanted." He says, gesturing at the heading that sat at the top of the paper. Sihyun nods, eyes big in happiness, "Yeah! And I heard vocals often team up with either guitar team or piano team to sing for school events! Maybe one day I can do that."

Sunwoo loved the bright shimmer of her eyes—something she always had since her pigtail hairstyle and Barbie backpack years.When she's happy, there is always a big smile that stained her lips, a crooked tooth often stuck out. Her eyes curved in crescents that resembled to moon. Perhaps it was a gene, but Sihyun always had chubby, red cheeks for no reason and when she smiled, she'd look rounder and even cuter. He remembers her hopping around and often bouncing in her steps when she was in a good mood and her constant humming of random tunes.

As he watches the present Kwon Sihyun drift off into her world, humming cutely like she did back then, the temptation to give into the smile that tries creeping up his face slowly grows and unknowingly, Sunwoo starts admiring his best friend.

"Do you perhaps...l-like her?"

Even with a question that bothers the crap out of him, he manages to brush it off, pushing the thought out of his mind and concentrating on her.

After all, her happiness is what matters most.

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