Chapter 6

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(image of the chapter from @/frostel_ on Instagram)

(Bakugo's POV)

-2 days later-

I walk at a hasty pace, almost running.

I also risk falling down the hospital stairs a few times, but I don't care.

Finally... room 204.

I open the door gently. And here he is: his fire red hair slightly longer lying on his shoulders disorderly, his sweet smile on his face, his cheeks slightly hollowed out but still full of life and...


I feel myself blushing for a second though, looking at his relaxed face, as he picks up the few things and puts them in the bag.

I try to hide it, shaking my head and covering my face.

He certainly doesn't remember anything... so he won't even remember... my...confession... ugh, how embarrassing!

"Bakubro, are you all right?" he says, finally raising his eyes and placing that reddish, slightly worried look in mine, making me again blush up to the tip of my hair.

What the fuck?! Now everything he says you become a goddamn tomato?! Pull yourself together!

I collect myself again.

"I'm fine. Come on, the others are waiting for us at the usual bar."


"Maybe when you get there, you'll remember something..."

I see Kirishima moving his head sideways, confused, like a dog.


Ugh... What did we say?!Calm down!

I puff loudly, and then I pull him by the wrist and drag him out of the room, once and for all.

He grabs the bag on the way out.

With the corner of my eye, I can also see the bouquet of tulips that I had brought him months before, still alive for some reason.

Then I notice that they are actually in a pot, planted all together.

How strange... someone planted them...

But when? I was almost always with him...

Then a flash of lightning.

Of course, the nurse for sure!

The nurse dedicated to the care of Kirishima until his resignation had a quirk bent "Green Thumb", which allowed her to grow and live plants for long, even months and months after or during the winter.

A very interesting quirk, that was to say.

How kind... I wonder why she did it...

I shake my head and we're finally out.

"Bakugo, let go of my wrist! I can walk alone! And also, you're starting to hurt me."

Suddenly, I remember Kirishima and the fact that I pulled him by the wrist down at least a dozen flights of stairs: in fact I see him trying to escape my hand. I let go of the iron grip and notice a slight reddish halo around it.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. In the meantime, stop whining and follow me!"

"D-did... Did you just apologize?!" the redhead asks, surprised.

[English Translation] Please, hold on...🥀 (BNHA Fanfic, Kiribaku)Where stories live. Discover now