Chapter 4

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(Image of the chaptee from Dorodororo_0 on Twitter)

(Bakugo's POV)

-Three weeks later-

I close the door behind me while I yawn loudly.

I put my things on the hanger, I leave my shoes at the entrance and I throw myself on the couch.

It's about 2:30 in the afternoon, I've already had lunch at work and I'm tired.

But I have to visit Kirishima... I promised him, after all. As always.

"Just a nap..." I whisper to myself.

Didn't think that signing papers, sending documents and making presentations takes you a lot more energy than punching a villain or blowing up some petty thief's ass...

I sigh and I close my eyes for a moment.

Then I wake up overwhelmed.


I sit up, looking at the clock on the wall. It's 4 pm.


I hurry up and get my shoes and my coat in and out of the house, taking with me my phone, my wallet and my keys. Well, the bare necessities.

As soon as I get to the hospital, I immediately go to the third floor, room 204.

Once I get in front of the door, I stop.

I hear a slight voice coming from the inside.

Strange... the boys said they'd be here after 5 pm...

I gently open the door and inside I find Kirishima's mother, Hanako.

There she sat quietly, holding his son's hand gently between her own and looking at him with a sad but maternal look.

The scene melts my heart. The delicacy of what I'm seeing gives me security and tranquility. The sweetness of the maternal hand that caresses the fingers of her son, the tender smile on the face of the woman even though with a hint of bitterness and a single tear that slowly descends along her face.

I slowly approach, trying not to make any noise, since I did not want to break the quiet atmosphere that there was.

But a few seconds later, Mrs Kirishima winces, as she hears the sound of my footsteps behind her, and turns around.

She dries with the thumb the tear and exclaims:

"Ah, Bakugo-kun, have you come to visit Eijiro?"

I nod as I sit silently beside her, still looking at the features of Kirishima's face.

It's been a while since I last saw her, I haven't gone to Kiri's house for a long time.

It's noticeable that she is tired and sad: she has quite evident dark circles under her eyes, which are a little red from crying.

Yet, she knows how to hide her melancholy so perfectly, behind a mask that she was able to create with care, like Kirishima.... Her always calm and quiet manners, her sweet terms and the maternal smile.

But by now, I know the face of a person who's unhappy.

"The... Doctors... have reported something new about his conditions?" I ask, without looking away from Kirishima.

"Well... He's healing, albeit very slowly. In addition, on a positive note, despite the wound in the stomach, no organ has been damaged... Eijiro was very lucky... Or at least for that particular wound. For the head injury we don't know anything, we just have to wait." Hanako says, continuing to caress with his thumb the back of his son's hand, throwing at me only occasionally furtive looks.

[English Translation] Please, hold on...🥀 (BNHA Fanfic, Kiribaku)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora