Chapter 2

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(Image of the chapter from @/iara.png on Instagram)

(Bakugou's POV) 

-A day later-

I can hear nothing but the echo of my footsteps on the tiled floor of the hospital. I know I look awful. 

I know I have a near-homicidal look because, yes, I could kill someone right now.

I know that all people see me approach the reception and look at me in shock. But I don’t give a shit about this. 

It’s like I’m seeing everything in slow motion, like suddenly everything has stopped to matter. For the first time in my life, I keep my head down and I stare at the tips of my shoes as I walk. 

With the corner of my eye I can also see the rest of my comrades waiting for me, since they too have come to visit him.

As soon as I get to the reception, I raise my head. "I’m here to... to visit Eijiro Kirishima." I say, trying to look as calm as possible. I see the receptionist’s concerned gaze, but she nods and smiles, trying to look reassuring. 

"Room 204, third floor. I remind you that the visiting hours are until 6:30 pm, Ground Zero.". 

I look at the time: it is 3:30 pm. "Tch... I know" I answer, trying not to get angry unnecessarily. I don’t even feel like being angry... or almost. 

After that I approach our gang: Mina, Sero, Kaminari and also Jirou, his girlfriend. 

"Man, Bakugo, you look terrible…"

"As if I didn’t know, idiot. Well, you're not doing better either!" I say, trying not to raise too much the tone of the voice... I hate to bring unnecessary attention to me. 

So… The dark circles under my eyes are very noticeable huh? 

Everyone lowers their heads, submissively.

"Come on, let’s go…" Jirou says, who is the only one to gather up the courage to talk. The group nods to her statement, so we go. 

I continue to keep my head down and remain silent. In the meantime, I squeeze the small bouquet of flowers that I had bought for Kirishima. As if I were now buying flowers... But why the hell did it cross my mind?! 

We quickly reach room 204, in a grave silence.

I am the one who opens the door, seeing the hesitation on the faces of others. 

And finally I see him in real life again. After 2 weeks. 

There still is a grave silence, the only one hospitalized in the room is him. I see his fire red hair gently lying on the pillow, not going in all directions as always. So you can also see the original color of the hair, in fact I'm able to catch a glimpse of the dark roots through the red hair. 

The face is so calm and I can almost see a little smile. Yet I can see how much he suffered in the last moments of consciousness. 

The closer I get to the bed, the tighter my heart gets, in a terrible vice.

Seeing him standing there... makes me go crazy. 

Not hearing his voice shouting "hey Bakubro!" is terrible. Not being welcomed by his sincere smile kills me. 

And I pushed him away more and more. I made him suffer for nothing, because I know he suffers when I’m not with him (I'm modest as usual!). 

The last words I heard him say were: "I’ve had enough! About you and your superiority issues!" and he walked away. While I yelled at him, "Fuck you, you fucking asshole!" It was the last conversation I had with him. Sure, then two weeks after the fight (yesterday) we texted, but... Knowing that the last thing he said to me was those terrible words fucking kills me.

[English Translation] Please, hold on...🥀 (BNHA Fanfic, Kiribaku)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora