The government becomes more intense in the hunt for the supers forcing them to become far more defensive and they start killing more. They hate to do it.

Stephanie becomes disgusted at it all. It's becoming a vicious cycle. She decides to end it any way that she has to. She saves the video of each location that she and the others take down.

She slowly starts releasing the videos of the torture, experiments and hell that they experience both with the hell labs and the government. At first there is little in the way of out cry against the hell labs or governments usage of them, but slowly the people take up voice against what their government is allowing. Especially when they see the sight of the innocent children that are caught up in it all.

Some of the supers, under cover as normal humans, are elected to ruling sections of the government. In time, even the president that is elected is a super. That is where the government funding of the research labs is over and done. The hell labs had been made illegal years before, but that hadn't stopped them.

But Stephanie and the others had done a great job of finding and shutting them down.

Finally, there was just the hunters left.

As per her oath, Stephanie allows the vampires to deal with the hunters. She prefers them dead to the uncertain fate they would receive in the human courts.

For his part, Tracey is more than pleased with being able to have his people deal death to the hunters. Their blood is tasty enough, doesn't have the zing that witches blood has, but it is rather exotic to them.

It takes nearly an hundred years, but Stephanie is finally able to say that the hunters are no longer an issue. Under her reign the supers have found prosperity of a kind they've never had before.

They are a long lived people as long as they aren't hunted and killed, but they aren't a prolific people. Still, as the years go by animal shifters grow. Most prefer to stay in the forests, they are careful to stay away from humans except in designated areas and humans return the favor.

In time the fear and animosity that had remained between normal humans and the supers wears down. Stephanie makes sure that the supers don't make the regular humans feel like they are less. She educates the humans that although the supers are able to do things that normal humans can't that there is a price to be paid. 

Sometimes that price is a high one indeed.

For Stephanie it came with the miscarriage of baby after baby. Over the years she finally gives up on having any children of her own. So when some decades after she starts her reign she makes it to her final month before delivery she is finally able to hope.

"The baby nursery is ready, Stephanie, are you sure you don't want to know what we are having?" Talon asks once more, for the thousandth time.

"No, Talon, I don't want to know what I'm having."

"You won't jinx yourself finding out, Stephanie," Ethan reassures her.

"I know. This is likely to be my only complete pregnancy. I don't want to know. I've hoped too many times just to have my hopes dashed. I just want this baby to be born healthy and happy."

"Not baby, love. Remember? Tracey assured you that there is more than one in there." Talon reminds her.

"Yeah, but then he was smirking when he said that and I don't know just how much I can believe him."

"You can believe me, Stephanie, completely. Haven't I proven myself over the years?" Tracey asks coming into the room.

"Tracey? What are you doing here?" Stephanie asks Tracey shocked.

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