7.) Cemetery Drive

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It was the day of the funeral; I was hardly holding myself together. Frank sat next to me, holding my hand for support. It was an open-casket and I could hardly look at her without losing it. A few people spoke about her, some truthful, some not.

"Gerard Way, would you like to come up?"

I responded with a single nod and worked my way up to the front.

Although it took me a while to collect words, I managed to compose myself and begin. "My grandmother here, Elena, was a great woman. She encouraged me to learn guitar and become involved in the arts. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't have any motivation at all. She was a wonderful person and it was practically impossible to dislike her. She's the one person who was there for me my whole life." The tears began to fall from my face. "May she rest in peace and may death never stop you, Elena." I stepped down from the podium, glancing at the body in the casket before returning to the audience. (Is it an audience?)

"Pathetic," my father mumbled as I went to sit down. I couldn't handle it; I was about to break. I ran outside and pulled out a pack of cigarettes.

"Just when I thought I'd quit, too," I murmured. I inhaled the nicotine into my lungs, holding in the smoke before exhaling it.

Suddenly, Frank came up behind me and hugged me.

"Gerard, are you alright?"

"One hundred percent."

"That's a lie."

"I know."

Frank looked me in the face and pulled the cigarette out of my mouth.

"You're going to kill yourself with these things."

"Isn't that the goal here?" Frank's whole face seemed to drop at that moment. He just sighed and smoked my cigarette. I took it back from him.

"No, I will not allow a pretty boy like you to destroy your body with these, Frank."

"And I won't let you either." He smacked the cigarette out of my hand and stomped it out.

-Time Lapse-

The hearse was traveling slowly down the street to the graveyard in which we would bury my grandmother in. I looked at the gloomy place when we arrived, recognizing every aspect of it. The wilting roses, crumbling tombstones, faded engravings.

They placed her cold, black casket into the ground, burying her with lifeless earth. I watched all 4 of the men walk away, along with all of my relatives before standing beside the grave.

"This shouldn't have happened, grandma. You were the best person in the world and I don't know what I'm gonna do without you. It's as if I've just lost a piece of myself." My tears began to water the dry earth beneath my feet. I wanted to continue speaking but I couldn't. I just sat there, feeling as lifeless as she was. That's when I noticed, the sky was crying with me.

I still couldn't comprehend this whole system of events. I keep trying to think. Elena Lee Rushmore.... Dead.

And on her tombstone it read:
So Long & Goodnight.

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