2.) Our Lady of Sorrows

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~Gerard's POV~

I was walking home, the sun beginning to set. I couldn't stop thinking about Frank. Would he text me? Would he ignore the note? Did he even get the note? It had already been ten minutes. Stop being so needy, Gerard.

I continued walking down the sidewalk, approaching the satan-spawn, in which I call my home. Well, not really home; house is a better word. I dreaded that place. Chances were, my mom was asleep and my dad was drunk. My brother was probably out with his so-called 'friends'.

buzz buzz

My heart skipped a beat. I looked down at my phone.

You'd better get home soon. Your father is getting quite aggravated.

That was my mother. My father didn't approve of me being out after the streetlights came on. Although, he didn't give a damn if Mikey was. Oh, yeah, because Mikey has friends.

I sighed as I took my first step onto the driveway. I took a deep breath, preparing for what may come. The cool metal of the door handle was unnerving in my hand as I turned it to the side. The first thing you could smell was alcohol and cigarettes.

"What the hell do you think you're doing out so late?" My father began to raise his voice. Although visibly drunk, my mother must've cleaned up the bottles for my father. He laid sprawled on the couch, feet on the coffee table.

"I-I'm sorry. The street lights weren't on yet." Great move, Gerard, just keep talking back and you'll get so far!

"Who the hell do you think you're talking to, boy? I'm your father, don't go around treating me like shit or I'll treat you like shit! You got it?"

"Yes, dad," I mumbled. I started down the stairs to my room, closing the door and locking it behind me. My room was small; the walls empty since my father would slap me for hanging a single photograph. It was the room in the basement, I was grateful that it had a full bathroom in it.

"GERARD! Get your ass up here, now!"

Shit. I hadn't even been in my room for 3 minutes, and he's already pissed.

When I got to the living room, my father was holding my phone. Damn it, did I leave that up here? He was teetering slightly from side to side, looking as if he were to pop me in the jaw at any moment.

"What in the name of hell is this?"

Hey Gerard, it's Frank(:

Son of a bitch. My father is extremely homophobic. He's been on my case my entire life since I've never had a girlfriend. I never came out of the closet to him though; let alone, anybody.

"That's my friend... From the coffee shop."

And with that, I was stopped dead in my tracks. I felt a deep throbbing pain shoot threw my skull. I dropped down to the ground, whacking my head on the wall.

"Lie to me again, dumbass."

"But I-I'm not l-lying to you."

Kick. Well shit, that one hurt.

"Now get out of here before you dig your own grave." I didn't even hesitate. I took my phone and sprinted downstairs, locking the door.

I sat on my bed, shuddering with uncontrollable sobs for a good 30 minutes. That's when I realized, I never texted Frank back.

Oh, hey Frank.

I laid down in my bed, sighing out of frustration and sorrow. I sank into my soul-black comforter and laid there for a few moments.

How are you?

Fine. You?

Great. Do you want to get coffee tomorrow?

I felt my heart pound.


Alright, is noon a good time?

How about 1?

Sure thing.

Alright, I'm going to sleep, goodnight Frank.

Goodnight Gerard.

I hopped out of bed, approaching my dresser. From within it, I grabbed a pair and black and red pajama bottoms and a long-sleeved shirt. I flopped back into my bed and made an attempt at sleeping.

Author's Note

Are these chapters too short? I'm sorry if they are. Sorry if the notes are short too.


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