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Guess what? I can't stay online too much now. I'll be offline for most do the time I guess. Why?

Because as I told you online classes and stuff were going on (are) but I didn't thought that they'll take our exams too soon.

I mean this SOON

They are gonna take our exams starting this August. *sigh

And it feels so hard right now because we're gonna get our marks on the completion of work , assignments, projects etc etc..

And I've completed the copy work but I didn't do the assignments thinking that this is online and who's gonna see and all.

Now I hate myself so much rn. I hate myself so kuch.

I wish I could've done some. But now I'm just worrying over the fact that I'll get good grades or not.

I don't care but I'm worried that I will disappoint my parents. I hate myself so much.

Alright. That's all.


I'm sorry.

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