First Kiss

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Micheal Myers- You two were having a serious conversation. You lifted up the bottom of his mask before looking up into his eyes, "May I?" You asked for permission. He nodded and you kissed him.

Jason Voorhees- You were having a really bad day so he took off his mask and just went for it.

Brahms Heelshire- He wanted a 'goodnight kiss' so you gave him one.

Billy Loomis- You guys were high and you just did it.

Stu Macher- You were wrestling in your living room and he just got caught up in looking into your eyes. He frantically apologized afterwards but you pulled him back in.

Malachai Boardman- You were irritated by Rachel and how infatuated she seemed with Malachai so you started ranting. He shut you up with a kiss.

Hannibal Lector- You were having dinner at his house. After dinner you two started watching a film. He turned your head towards him and kissed you.

Norman Bates- You kissed him in the rain.

Pennywise- He kisses you after you got home from a long day at work.

Jack Torrance- He and Wendy brought you to the overlook with you because of how close you were with Wendy. You were in your room making your bed and right after Wendy left the room, Jack came in and kissed you. You laughed afterwards then slapped his arm and playfully scolded him about how you could've been caught.

Chucky (Charles Lee Ray)- He cuddled you in his bed after you broke up with your jerk off of an ex. You started getting sleeping but before you could close your eyes, he kissed you.

Thomas Hewitt- He asked about kissing so you showed him what it's like.

Carrie White- She saw a couple kissing at school and immediately thought of the two of you. While you two were hanging out, she kissed you.

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