Call Me Any, Anytime pt.2

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Charles Lee Ray
(Not the fucking doll)


Like usual, I went back to him. I still live there and all my stuff is there. It's not like I could stay with Chucky forever even though sometimes I really wish I could. I took my pills before bed and didn't even bother with washing my makeup off. I looked in the mirror at myself. I look drained and exhausted and felt no different. I feel hopeless here. There's nothing to look forward to. I feel like I'm a prisoner in my own home.

As I was putting my medicine back in the cabinet, I heard him come in. I stiffened up as he came up behind me. He put his hands on my hips and kissed my neck. I shoved him off gently. "Not in the mood right now." He got pissed in a matter of seconds. I just walked out as he went on a little rant because I couldn't care less. I wasn't even attracted to the son of a bitch anymore.

I went into the kitchen where I had some water boiling. I grabbed my favorite mug that was good guy themed. A little childish but good guys are so cool. I put a tea bag in and poured the water over it. Right as I set the kettle down and turned the stove off, I was roughly forced to turn around by a hand on my shoulder. He was screaming in my face and I turned my head to keep his spit from flying all over me. He grabbed my face and made me look at him as he scolded me for being 'disrespectful' and a 'bitch'. The usual stuff.

He shoved me into a wall only to presume his yelling. I eventually began to cry, not because of what he was saying but because of the hopelessness I felt. I know my neighbors have had to hear what goes on but I just don't understand why nobody has tried to help me. Except for Chucky, of course. I shoved him away and ran to grab my phone that was in the bedroom. I locked the door behind me, knowing I'd be followed. I was right as I heard him banging and yelling like a child. I dialed Charles' number and held the phone between my cheek and my shoulder as I grabbed a small duffel bag from the closet and began packing up a few things. I figured I'd take what I could for now and return for the rest another day.

He answered quickly. "What's going on, Y/N?" He asked, probably expecting it to be the same old thing. "Chucky, please come get me. I'm leaving for good this time. I'm packing up a few things now." I said rapidly, praying that he heard me clearly so I didn't have to repeat myself. "Where is he?" Charles asked. "I think he's in the living room.. or the kitchen I don't know. I ran to my room and locked the door and he followed me but I don't hear him anymore." I explained. "Okay, hang on and I'll be there soon. Don't forget your medicine. I'm gonna kill this guy." Then he hung up.

I didn't know what to do now. Should I make a run for it and wait outside? I made sure I had my keys. I slipped on my jacket and sat on the edge of the bed. I decided to just wait. I was too scared to open the door. Minutes passed as i sat in silence. My phone rang which startled me. I answered quickly, knowing it was Chucky. "I'm here. Think you can make it down or should I come get you?" He asked. "I'm scared, Chucky." I said as I teared up. "Don't cry. I'm coming up." He said before hanging up again. I nervously bounced my leg and waited. Silence. It was as loud as ever.

I heard the front door open as well as more yelling. There was a knock at the bedroom door. "It's me, Y/N. Go down to the car. I'm gonna take care of this." I got up and grabbed my bag before opening the door and running out. I stopped right in front of the front door and turned around. I saw Charles get shoved harshly by my now ex-boyfriend. I ran down the stairs, freaking out.

I turned the heat on in his car and chewed my nails. Each second that passed freaked me out even more. I had no idea what was going down up there. I prayed to every god I could think of that Charles would be fine. Minutes later I saw someone coming my way. I released the breath I was subconsciously holding in as I realized it was just Charles. He got in the car and didn't a word for a moment.

He finally looked at me. His pupils were blown wide and he smiled big like he had just won the lottery. I studied his face and savored whatever emotion I was feeling right now. Thank god I have Chucky. I noticed a small cut on Chucky's neck. "What is that?" I moved his hair away so I could see it better. "The fucker tried to fight back or something. Don't worry, Y/N. It's all taken care of. He's not gonna hurt ya no more." Charles said, bringing my head closer to him to softly kissed my forehead. "Let's get out of here yeah," he said, "let's go home for real now."

I hugged my bag close to my chest and smiled. I love this man.

Guys he's so hot I love him. I feel like this sucked but I wanted to write pt. 2. More stuff is coming so yayy

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