!!Tiffany Valentine Catch-Up!!

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Googoo gaga 

How you met- You work at a 24 hour convenience store. You agreed to take over a night shift on your night off for a co-worker who was your friend. Tiffany came in completely over dressed compared to the people you were used to coming in. She was classy and mysterious in your eyes and you couldn't stop looking at her. She was absolutely gorgeous. Something sparked in you and suddenly you started questioning your sexuality. It was like middle school all over again. She walked up to the counter and noticed you staring. She cracked a joke with you and it took you a second to process that the angel was talking to you. When you finally started talking back she took a liking to you. Needless to say, she visited the store more often after that.

Who confessed (their love) and how?- After being friends and hanging out outside of the store, you two had this unspoken bond and with that bond there was A LOT of tension. You knew for sure that you were in love with her but she was so hard to read therefore you had no idea how she truly felt about you. You two decided to drink at your apartment one night. You laid your head on Tiffany's shoulder while you two watched Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens. You confessed straight up out of nowhere. Tiffany wasn't sure where she stood in seeing you that way so she left. You felt hurt and just plain stupid. Weeks had gone by and you heard nothing from each other. You feared that your friendship was over. One night while you were closing up the store you saw Tiffany waiting outside, cigarette in hand and dressed head to toe in black. She smiled at you. "I thought about what you said, Y/N," Tiffany said in that dreamy voice, "I'd love to try this out if you're up for it." You smiled back. "Of course I am."

First kiss- She dropped you off at work after you two had literally spent the entire day together. You opened the door to her car but she stopped you and told you to wait. She pulled you close to her and kissed you. It was brief but also very sweet. You got out with a huge grin that stayed with you through your whole shift.

First Date- Your first date after officially being a couple was a pleasant experience. She made you dinner and invited you over. You learned she's a great cook. (Mommy material.) Then you watched movies together and cuddled until you fell asleep on her.


For you- Darling, Angel, Sweetheart, Beautiful, My Love, and Baby

For her-  Blondie, Tiff, Love, Mommy

When you're sick- She's very nurturing so she makes you lay down with a cool towel on your head. Medicine, water, soup, etc. She's making sure you eat, stay hydrated, and take your medicine. 

When you're on your period- Your periods sync so it's a little easier since she's dealing with the same thing. On the 2nd day, which is always the worst for you, she manages to get on every single one of your nerves. You take turns using the heating pad while laying in bed feeling like death.

Rainy Days- She loves them but she likes when it rains at night way more. She'll prance around with you and get soaked. Her makeup gets ruined but she loves it regardless. It's more fun to her after a kill. 

You get injured- So she introduced you to killing by accident one night and you were scared to death of her after. She assured you that you were safe as long as she's with you. Your first kill was a guy that catcalled you in an alley by the store. You were walking to Tiffany's car after closing up and he disgusted you. You decided to make him your first. He fought back and it wasn't easy. You had been shoved by him during the struggle and had a nasty scrape on your elbow. Tiffany helped you hide him before you went back to her place. She cleaned you up and comforted you and told you she was proud of you.

You/They spend the night for the first time- You had sleepovers before she even knew how you felt about her. Usually one of you were too intoxicated to drive home or you just didn't feel like leaving. 

First Time- Happened shortly after you each said 'I love you'. It was a pleasant experience and definitely a learning experience as well.  After a few times, it became a special and regular thing between the two of you.

Bad Days- Tiffany, despite her somewhat bad attitude sometimes, rarely has a bad day. Especially when you're around. On the rare occasions she does, its fairly easy to calm her down and put her in a better mood. You can have a rough day and accidentally snap at her but she knows you don't mean anything by it. She's really understanding for the most part. 

Favorite Disney Movie- The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad

Top or bottom- SWITCH! Mostly a top. She's great at both though. 

You ask them to kill for you(and why?)- Your co-worker was disrespectful and rude and you had enough of her. After complaining to Tiff about her, she was gone with the wind.

When they're stressed- Well, Tiffany's a serial killer so her release of bottled up emotions are taken out on unsuspecting victims whether they asked for it or not. She said so herself she'd kill anybody.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2021 ⏰

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