Chapter 16

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Eden opened his eyes to what felt like blinding light, sleep still milling through his mind, muddying his thoughts. The cool morning sun betrayed that it was just the crest of dawn, as usual, though today, Eden couldn't afford to just laze about in bed, no matter how tired he was. He pushed himself upright. Too quickly, he soon realized; his vision swam for a moment.

"Ugh," he groaned. He sat on the edge of his bed for a moment, then stood, once again too quickly.

It was Sunday; a week had passed since Eden started his short hiatus from court. He'd gotten antsy, however, doing nothing all day for so long, so he'd set up an appointment with Adrian Bahk to go riding today. Mornings were safe; the headaches came every night without fail, but only occasionally in the evenings, and never in the morning, so he felt reasonably secure going out with Adrian.

Messenger had stopped by a couple days prior to get a new uniform and retrieve his mask. He'd also mentioned something about a couple of lowlifes discussing him, but there wasn't enough information to discern any details, so there was no point in worrying about it. In all honesty, Eden was a little glad when Messenger left; he could feel his eyes lingering on the purple smudges under his eyes, and Eden really hadn't wanted to discuss Messenger's unmasked concern. Other than that, Messenger had seemed to be in a good mood, which Eden was glad for.

Eden went to his bathing chambers to freshen up and select his jewelry. The earrings, of course, were already in, and his pendant swung under his shirt. He doubted he'd need the boons from his other artificed pieces, but they never hurt. Perhaps his purple earrings- no, Messenger had them. In the end, Eden chose a ring that would explode on impact- so long as he wasn't wearing it- and a bracelet, made to wrap round the arm several times, that acted as armor, seizing up when struck. Again, probably not necessary, but a little care never harmed anybody.

Stepping out of the bath, Eden started getting dressed to ride: a plain white shirt, leather leggings, and leather boots to match. As was fashionable, he belted on a rapier; it was more ornamental than anything, with real gold in part of the hand guard and glittering amethysts. It would be almost a hindrance rather than a boon in a real fight, but he was a prince. His clothes were simple enough, so he had to keep up appearances somehow.

Breakfast had already been brought to his room, a light meal of smoked salmon topped with capers, a fresh roll, and peeled orange segments. Eden washed it all down with tea that he sorely hoped would help kick him awake soon, standing once finished. Having some food in him did help, and now that he'd been up and moving for about half an hour, some of the fog had been driven back. Taking a deep breath, Eden opened his door, ready to meet Adrian Bahk.

He met Captain Torre instead.

"Captain! What... are you doing here?" Eden said with a smile.

"I heard you're to go riding, Your Highness," Torre said. "You should have a guard with you."

Internally grimacing, Eden said, "That's really not necessary, Captain. It's just a ride, after all."

"Your Highness, you can either take me with you, or I'll organize an entire patrol," Torre said flatly.

"...Ah. You drive a hard bargain, Captain. I suppose I'll have to take you," Eden said dryly.

"I thought you would."

They set off for the stables.

"I hope your health is improving, Your Highness," Torre said.

"I intend to return to court tomorrow," Eden said tightly. "It's quite manageable." Eden could see Torre eyeing him, but he didn't push the matter.

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