♡︎Chapter 1: He's Kinda Cute♡︎

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♡︎ Jimin's POV ♡︎

I'd like to think of myself as a accepting person, I love meeting new people and becoming friends with people is a really enjoyable and interesting thing!

But there is a certain boy that comes to mind when I say these things...
Kim Namjoon, he's in afew of my lectures, he sits at the very far back of the class and even if he is always quiet and reserved he has always caught my eye but now I finally think about it... I've never saw him outside of them, if that makes sense? To put it bluntly I've never saw him with any friends.

He's a smart kid don't get me wrong but he's really quiet, I guess that's what drew me in a way and the way he always seems so neat and tidy, the way he always fixing his glasses to sit perfectly on his nose when he concentrates or when he gets frustrated with a question and unconsciously clenches his jaw, fuck that's hot and not to mention that he is a complete cutie, I just wanna squish him.

It's the first day on sophomore year and my "mission" this year is always set and its too too talk to him more and maybe even get some, if know what I'm saying~

"Well since it's the first day and all I may as well dress to impress..." I mumble to myself slowly opening my closet and begin looking for a outfit that will look like I'm trying but I'm not trying too hard,

I sigh to myself this may take awhile...

After a while of looking I settle on one outfit, A light pink sweater that goes down to the end of my stomach and some shorts that go down to my mid thighs. I look and the mirror and god may I say I'm looking hella fine today-

I look up at the time at see its almost time to go so I grab my shoes and run down to campus to try and find Taehyung, my best friend.
We've always been best friends, we cry together over guys we know are assholes but like they're really cute so you give them a chance and end up regretting in. So in other words almost all the boys we go to school with if I'm honest.

It's pretty hard finding decent guys but luckily I think I've found mines...
I find myself spacing out thinking about him alot, God I'm becoming the ultimate simp now, but it's worth it. He's worth it.

I then feel a harsh slap over my head and just as I'm about to shout at whoever it is I see the absolute dork that is my best friend.

♡︎Kim Taehyung♡
One of the most well known and popular boys I know that go to this school.
The good kind of popular though, he's a really nice guy but I'll never admit that too him.
We have always had a funny relationship if I'm honest we are best friends but we will jokingly flirt with each other a lot, it's hilarious if you ask me.

I look up at him with the most pissed off expression ever to exist.
"what's up cutie? Haven't seen you in while huh? How was your break? Any cute guys? Fuck you need to tell me everything!"

He spoke out, he always has been a really talkative person which isn't exactly a bad thing, it make him more interesting to talk too and he is extremely expressive of his emotions which helps alot.

"1 don't cutie me dumbass, 2 you apparently, Have you gotten taller since the last time I saw you? 3 pretty good how was yours? And 4 I've got my eyes on someone..." I smirk up at him.

"Na you're just getting shorter baby" he smirks back, and my smirk slowly turns into a frown as I smack his arm softly. "I'm not even that short asshole..." I say then turning to walk towards the entrance of the main building.
Taehyung soon follows behind me, "what's up with you today hun? You seem work up over something, is it him?" Taehyung looks down at me smirking still.

I blush softly looking down, "l-like I'd ever get worked up over him!"
"your face says otherwise sweetie~
Anyway he doesn't even seem like your type anyway, why him out of like every other guy?"

I look up at him and tilt my head to the side, "I don't really know if I'm honestly, he just seems different and he is really cute got to admit.."

"who is, what did I miss?" I jumped at the sudden voice behind us, I turn around and I see,

♡︎Kim Seokjin♡︎
As Jin himself once said "I'm a bad bitch guy can't kill me", he's basically the baddest bitch of the school, has dirt on literally everybody and finds need to know literally everything about everyone.

"Jin Hyung~ do not creep up on us like that! It's scary~" I whine out softly. Jin just laughs in return, "sorry couldn't help myself~" Taehyung just rolls his eyes.
Jin and Taehyung had never really got along to well if I'm honest, they're always head to head fighting over anything and everything, their most recent argument was over who was more handsome, I know it sounds really funny but god when they fight they fight~

(BTS dubbed reference, I'm sorry I had toooo it was to perfect not too~ Q^Q)

Jin is not afraid to fight a bitch ill tell you that-
I mean how can argue over who's more handsome when I'm right there in front of them?- I'm kiddin~ unless...
"do you always have to be so fucking annoying Jin?" Taehyung mumbled under his breath.
Now that may seem like Taehyung is being harsh by saying that but trust me, sometimes Jin hyung can go a little bit too harsh on him, and last time was one of those times, I couldn't help but feel bad for the guy...
I then softly hug Taehyung looking up at him with a soft smile, he looks down at me and smiles back and pats my head a little bit, he sighs softly before whispering softly in my ear "thanks shorty."

"no problem, asshole..." I turn around and see Jin just awweing at us before saying, "you two are to cute sometimes I swear..."
"but anyway we need to get out fat asses to class or we are gonna be late~" I say already starting to walk in the direction of our first lecture.

When we get into the lecture room my eyes land of Namjoon, he's sitting in the really back of the class in the corner like he always does, I take a deep breathe and head over to him sitting down beside him.

I run my hand through my hair while saying, "Your Namjoon right? I've saw you sitting in the back for quite awhile now and it looks peaceful so I thought I'd join you!" I smile softly at him and he smiles back, "oh okay, I tend to sit back here so I don't get detracted actually."

"don't worry I won't distract you hyungiee!" I respond with a slight giggle.
Already filled with excitement to get to know him..

"he's kinda cute..."


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2020 ⏰

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